[Design] All About Titling Fonts

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From CreativePro.comAll About Titling Fonts:

All About Titling FontsWhen looking for just the right display typeface, have you considered a titling font? If not, you are missing out on an entire category of possibilities. Titling fonts are typefaces designed specifically for headline or display usage. They are usually all caps, but some can contain lowercase, and even small caps! Titling fonts differ from their text counterparts in that their scale, proportion, and design details have been tweaked to look best at larger sizes. They often have an increased weight contrast between the thick and thin parts of the characters, and can sometimes have more condensed proportions than their text-sized cousins if part of a family. This sub-category of display typefaces tend to have a refined, even dramatic look ? qualities that make them an excellent choice for books, magazines, movie titles and sequences, logos, signage, or any usage that calls for large-sized type benefiting from finessed design details as well as a touch of elegance. Titling fonts can be part of an existing typeface or a stand-alone design. They are most often- but not always – serif designs with pronounced weight contrast, as it is the thin strokes that vary the most in typestyles intended for text…

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