Finally… Something political worth talking about!

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Now Wulfgar’s and Rabid Sanity’s posts are worth discussing!

For too long the right and left wing in the blogosphere has reduced the other side with straw men and caricatures. You know, right wingers are nazis and left wingers are traitors. Enough already! I became a registered independant back in 2002 because I couldn’t take this partisan bullshit.

I’ve also seen time and time again someone critical of the Bush administration get instantly shut up when asked the question: “Well, you complain a lot… but what is YOUR solution to the problem?”

So here you have an intelligent discussion by intelligent people that clearly respect each other’s views… and unlike many right/left sites, they actually want to HEAR what the other side has to say.

The old adage “You’re either part of the solution, or you’re part of the problem” immediately comes to mind.

Me? I’m part of the “I’m tired of all the bullshit” brigade. 😀

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