Remember KayCee Nicole? The Chipper, 19 year old who wrote beautiful poetry, suffered from Leukemia… oh yeah, and never existed?
Here’s a quick recap:
And well for all my haters here, thought you’d get a kick out of the beating I take from morons who twist everything I say in their Yahoo Group. Never mind the fact that I already apologized not once but twice on Metafilter for thinking that two web heavyweights vouching for KayCee, several people speaking on the phone with KayCee Swenson and a New York Times article about her was sufficient proof of her existence over their lame ass gut instincts. (Gee what was I thinking?) .
Ahhhhh fond memories of the past…. most of those losers, you can’t even find their websites anymore….
*waves off into obscurity-land and hopes they see me from down there*
Anyway…. I stumbled across the most interesting article last night:
Protect Your Community from a Hoax
Lo and behold, it turns out there is a blogger by the name of Widow who joined a community of cancer survivors called Hyster Sisters. Weaving beautifully descriptive tales about all her sufferings
(compare her writing to my Debbie Swenson spoof here) .
But wait… the plot thickens! Last month, Kathy, the owner, was tipped off and shut Widow down as she was exposed elsewhere as Silver, Silver-Jouie, jouiegoy, Dorota Dinte, Widow, Dr Widow T Elliott Lee, Natasha Astra Elliott
I know you have been concerned about “Widow” as you follow her illness and progress.I have been contacted by someone who provided me with information that appears to indicate that “Widow” may not be who we believe her to be.
There is evidence of a person with the same email address, details of illness, geographic location and other details, that created a hoax over a year ago about her illness and death, requesting money be sent for donations. The details are identical.
- One post on MySpace where Silver, a breast cancer survivor, tugs at someone’s heartstrings and then in December of 2006 suffers from every health issue under the sun, including (wait for it…) BRAIN ANEURISM (What did KayCee die from again? YEP! You betcha!).
- Six months earlier, June 5th 2006, a (wait for it again…) POET named Silver-Jouie Goy and her death is TOTALLY BUSTED on MySpace as a fraud.The reaction of her death from her fellow poets here and this one sure looks like a mini version of the ugliness on Metafilter …..
- Silver Jouie’s page on Zorpia. Much like Kaycee’s request which made people suspicious… please don’t send flowers or cards…. donate to charity. hmmmmmm
A new epidemic of women dying and then being uncovered as frauds?
Or the same person moving on to bigger and greener pastures?
Hell if I know.
But the parallels are uncanny.