[#Money #Success] 15 Mind Blowing Things that Sound Like BS but are True

15 Mind Blowing Things that Sound Like BS but are True

By Alux.com
Published: Oct 22, 2020

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Eric finally answers Jude & friends and their LIES

There’s a new fraud on MySpace. A woman who claimed to have nearly died in the hospital after they removed a tumor. Her name is Jude Stilwell, 55, of Newport Beach, CA. (Also involved, her daughter Sarah Stilwell, 24). It seems we all have our doubts about her now, so she has resorted to having blogs and profiles deleted to silence everyone… including MY MYSPACE BLOG. Try and delete THIS ONE, ya phony.

Flashback: May 2001…
I checked in on my friend Kaycee’s blog to find a post from her mom that she passed away after a long struggle with leukemia. I was so upset that my boss gave me time to go outside and compose myself.

I couldn’t stop crying! She was a blogger I had grown very close to, and was like a little sister to me.

A few days later, a discussion on MetaFilter started. It was questioning if this sweet soul was even real. I WAS SO OUTRAGED! It was OBSCENE to even suggest this. People close to her were getting upset. Many people spoke to her on the phone and she was even mentioned in a New York Times article. It was LUDICROUS to even suggest it!!! I was in there with the best of them to defend my friends memory from these vultures. Were they THAT jealous of her popularity?

And… wouldn’t you know… they were right. It was all a hoax. Her “mom” created the character and kept the facade up for two long years with us.

I’m still ridiculed to this day about how bad I carried on in there and how I viciously attacked people for questioning what I was too emotionally involved to see.
Fast-Forward: To yesterday
So to the “Flagpole guy” who told me in my comments how he “wishes a painful death on me” for being a “heartless bastard”, or the woman who can telepathically see if people have cancer online who says people like me “are the reason no one believes in anything anymore”… (I was concerned about the brown spots appearing on my face a few years back and wondered if I got skin cancer like my mom had. But since you didn’t mention it…. WHEW!)

I understand the state of irrational denial you’re in right now. Your head is saying “something is wrong” yet your emotions are clinging to the falsehoods because being wrong will shatter your perception of reality. Been there done that. I forgive you.

Do you SEE the danger in becoming emotionally attached to someone online and just relying on blind faith yet? I do.

The people attacking Kelly Jo, however… you’re about to be dealt with mercilessly.

Contrary to recent assumptions, I don’t have a “trust” problem at all. Most people here, I believe and take them at face value. I don’t need two forms of ID to verify if you’re a living soul on the other side of the computer. I have many friends here with ailments and even terminal illnesses that don’t need to convince me. I can just tell.

But when something doesn’t add up…. take your “SHAME ON YOU”s and your “HOW DARE YOU”s and shove them clear up your ass, ok?

So, how about this week’s gossip…..?

Jude and friends have gone on the attack. Calling US the haters.

Most people missed what Jude’s Blog was REALLY about…
This is comment below is from my last blog. This is the comment that started it all and made Kelly Jo a target by the “loving Christian” Jude Camp.

Kelly Jo's comment on my MySpace blog that set Jude off

Does it look like she was talking about Jude? Did any of the previous blogs mention Jude before her temper tantrum and martyrfest? You can tell as Jude’s blog references “crappy blogs” and “lighting candles” she somehow thought this comment was directed at her. IT WASN’T, unless Jude is SO VAIN and SO PARANOID that she thinks she is the only person on MySpace who had “Virtual Candles” lit for her or has crappy blogs (fact is, most of you do.).

No names were used in Jude’s post but her army of sycophants and sockpuppets made it clear in the comments. It was mostly Kelly Jo and myself as well as Mayet, Belladonna Badass, Irish LALA, Crabby, and many others who are putting the pieces together about her “Praying for Jude” publicity stunt and seeing that the pieces don’t add up….

My skin is a little thicker than yours Jude. Dont worry what the assholes say. They laugh about hurting people and move on to hurt a new person in every blog.

One of the assholes your referring to says that he lives near me in Hollywood. I kept inviting him over until he finally told me he lives on the east coast. He had every chance to see how real I am. He turned out to be the liar. I had a huge crush on him like half of the girls on myspace. I drank his kool aid. lolz.

Posted by Sam on October 15, 2008 – Wednesday 8:20 AM  [Reply to this]

HA! See, I never would have known this blog was about me, except I remember this silly conversation with “Sam”. But I remember it a little differently.

See, when someone with the same three pictures in their profile (lifted from another profile?), and does nothing but talk about Jude… well that just screams “FAKE PROFILE” to me.

And when a fake profile starts emailing me things like “I’m lonely, come over”, I’m thinking “Someone is fucking with me here”. I thought for the longest time she was The Silent Nation making a comeback (ask the Blog Kamikaze). After ignoring her emails for days at a time, I finally responded “Sure, I’ll start walking. See you in 3 months. Keep the dinner warm for me.”. That’s when I found out this idiot really thought I lived in California (I’m in PA… see my website. I have NEVER made that a secret or *told* people I live in Hollywood. I used to call the Poconos “ANARCHTICA” when I lived there.).

If you think every detail on someone’s profile is true, then you must be AMAZED at how many hot-looking and hip 99-year old models are here on MySpace. rofl

Nice try with a twisted story trying to “expose” me as a “fake and liar”. You’re so full of shit that taking an ex-lax may cause a natural disaster in your area.

Like Silver-Jouie, Babe, and Chad/Todd did, using a fake profile breaking the news about thier “deaths”… Jude used a fake profile to infiltrate all our friends lists so we’d ALL know Jude was in the hospital, dying and we should pray for her.

Lookie what I noticed:

How do you have a URL like 'Praying4Jude' when there WAS NO 'Praying for Jude' movement  for another 2 weeks?


Sam is a fake profile

Now the next fucknugget will be getting EXTRA special attention from me (though I suspect it’s really Jude who uses fake profiles to say what she REALLY means and attack others while keeping her hands and reputation clean).

Nine-Toed Russ….
Oh my gawd, you fucking piece of SHIT. So are you the replacement of “Paul”, the doctor who sat with Jude, fell in love with her and sent a marriage proposal by text, and SWORE to me that “Sam” is a real person and was in the hospital? (why are there no pictures of “Sam” by the MRI machine? Or ANYWHERE in the hospital visits?)

Its funny how those that have the most to hide, are the ones that are pointing frantically at everyone around them, shouting ” Fake Person ”

Yet you read their blogs and there all supposedly written in the interest of their readers and warning them against the dishonest people on myspace that take advantage, yet they fill that catagory completely, they are the dishonest ones that twist everything to make themselves look good. They have no morals.

They should Take a good look at themselves before pointing at others.

Thank you Jude for high lighting the hypocrites.

Most people on here are sensible enough to make their own minds up, Without having some brainless morons spout a load of lies to boost their own ego’s.

Posted by Russ on October 15, 2008 – Wednesday 8:03 AM [Reply to this]

Isn’t it ODD how both “Sam” and Russ don’t seem to know when to use “your” and “you’re” in sentences? And YES dickhead… those blogs written by Mayet, Bella and myself ARE in the interest of warning others. The fact that Camp Jude is so defensive and so hostile right now is VERY telling.

This is basically the crux of their argument against us. They avoided the issue about faking an illness or surgeries, and turning it around into a strawman argument about their accusers being the fakes and a bunch of meanies. A diversionary tactic at best.

Jude’s behavior lately is more like a pathological liar who has been caught and cornered. Playing the victim, instead of answering some basic questions people have raised.

Oh and did we mention that Mayet has shown proof that Jude has plagiarized several of her blogs? Yeah… honesty and karma. I can see how important they are to you and the rest of the “Praying for Jude” groupies. You’re credibility is SHOT, darlin.

Jude is a plagiarist

Russ is right about one thing….
Most of us here ARE sensible and have made up our minds here.


Now let’s move on to Russ’ blog which was reprinted by Expect A Miracle

Now what is the point of copying an entire blog anyway?
(Oh right. See, Russ is just a big ol’ pussy who thinks he’s an Internet Tough Guy attacking Kelly Jo while blogging behind a private profile…. yeah, I know it’s really Rude Jude again, but I’d feel better referring to this cocksucker as a “man” for this piece.)

Kelly Jo’s Bulletin about James and Daddy
See, this is Kelly Jo’s wicked sense of humor for you. You either get her or you don’t. You think we’re bad in public? You wouldn’t BELIEVE what we say about you guys in private!

This bulletin has been brought to my attention today. I am amazed to the depths this person will sink. Kelly Jo and her associates have run a hate campaign, firing at any and everyone that has a illness,  justifying their behavior as “trying to protect those of us that have genuine illness’s”. Which for me doesn’t wash at all.

Questioning things make us “haters”? O RLY?
I thought that made us rational and intelligent. *slaps forehead*

You need to accept the fact that a LARGE majority of MySpacers just aren’t swallowing the James and Daddy story (of course anyone that can buy into the bullshit that a woman in a coma comes back to become a top blogger and write 75 blogs in between masturbating in a hospital bed is bound to believe ANYTHING).

My blog was written last year when THREE “I have a sick kid that wants a zillion friends” profiles appeared and I was pressured into endorsing them. I simply said in my blog I can’t verify them, I have my reservations about them, so I wont endorse them. THAT’S IT. I never said they were fakes, I didn’t attack them, but think about it logically:

  • The URL is “bizwiz68”. That tells me this profile was used for something else before he decided his son was his meal ticket to MySpace fame…
  • Instead of a Playstation, a trip to Disneyland, or even a quick fondling by Michael Jackson… a sick kid that never accesses his profile wants a million friends on MySpace? SERIOUSLY?
  • After a year of me hearing about James and Daddy, the only Google search result for “James Hatherley” or “Brian Hatherley” is an online newspaper article from two weeks ago? (and I’ll be getting to that soon) No celebrities coming to see him? No foundations putting out press releases? I see Chris Crocker and Tila Tequila all over the tv and the web, why not James and Daddy….

The young man in question lives only 200 miles from me.

And I bet you haven’t so much as sent him a single balloon. You cheap bastard.

A recent article in the local paper read as follows :-

He is referring to this piece in the Shropshire Star. Something the James and Daddy followers offer as “proof” he’s real.

(UPDATED: Mrs. Clayton has spoken to Ian Harvey, assistant editor at the Shropshire Star, Lizzie Yates is employed there, the article is indeed real, and so is James and Daddy. let’s keep the jokes about them to a respectful level from now on, ok?)

Besides what looks like a really bad photoshop job, and his name misspelt on the plane (how convenient, huh?), this “article” looks like a user-submitted piece in the newspaper website’s gallery. I’ve sent an email off to the online director over there, inquiring about this so-called article… I’ll keep you all posted with the results.

Hey, what do I know. I was only a Webmaster for a newspaper owned by Dow Jones for four years, right?

Kelly jo’s idea of how a diabetic is. Obese, constantly eating cakes and sweet stuff, just goes to show her ignorance of the condition,

Oh… this again.

Kelly Jo has been FALSELY ACCUSED by Jude and pals for making the “Daisy Diabetes” profile. Actually it’s Belladonna Badass who created that and it’s part of an online prank we’re all playing to ridicule people who fake illnesses online (STAY TUNED!)

And As Bella stated in her blog, which verbally put Jude’s head through a wall yesterday… you fuckers owe Kelly Jo an apology (but we wont hold our breath).

And Anais Nin cleared up some misconceptions that fuckstick here is trying to imply… so make that TWO apologies owed.

Then he goes on to show pictures of his foot with a challenge:

To Miss Kelly Jo and associates you can search the web to your hearts content, but you won’t find these pictures anywhere, there my personal ones I took so I could see it was actually healing.

I hate to break it to this creepazoid, but I don’t CARE enough about him and his nasty feet to even bother. How’s THAT? I will say that has got to be the WORST amputation job, I’ve ever seen. Did you do it yourself with a hacksaw?

Now if we were fake and just after sympathy, what harm does that do anyone to spare a few minutes supporting another human being. Has the human race become that cynical, that we’re suppose to agree with these “hate” spreaders and ignore a cry for help ?

This moron SERIOUSLY doesn’t get it. Besides the fact that all the “hate” I see coming out around here is from “Camp Jude,” why does he feel it’s our responsibility to respond to every “cry for help”… most of us get online to escape OUR problems. Why must we have to deal with YOURS? See a therapist or a shrink instead of expecting strangers to be burdened with your problems, ok? I.don’t.give.a.flying.fuck.

You just spent a good portion of your blog ripping apart a good woman. Someone VERY loved and respected in our community over some imagined insult to you (most of which were false accusations) and you want sympathy? GO FUCK YOURSELF!

Here’s my favorite part….

To you doubt spreaders, I challenge you to meet me, watch me inject myself, then allow me to inject you with the same liquid and same amount. I might call you a paramedic a hour later when you go into a coma. Then again I might just think your faking it for sympathy and walk away and leave you.

HAAAAAAA!!!! Nice death threat pal! I don’t know what that is in Jolly Old England, but here in the U.S. of A… we call that PREMEDITATED MURDER, MOTHER FUCKER!

Russ is an asshole

And Jude is a sick fucking bitch for condoning this and spreading it around! So are a few other “friends” I saw pimping this out in a bulletin….

Have you all had enough of this insanity yet?
Faking illnesses… plagiarism… attacks through fake profiles… DEATH THREATS?

Jude is a fraud

To anyone who has gotten involved with Jude through me, I sincerely apologize, and I hope I can right a wrong here. The rest of you chosing to stay emotionally involved in this freakshow… you can do it at your own RISK.

Read what everyone else has to say about this… (AND BELIEVE ME, MORE IS COMING!)

  • The Plague in your Extended Network (Deleted by MySpace)
  • Faking Illness Online – Munchausen by Internet
  • Remembering Silver-Jouie
  • Internet Scams Don’t Have to Involve Money
  • HEY JUDE, YOU’RE COMING DOWN (Deleted by MySpace)
  • Dear Jude and the Rest of You Lying Assholes
  • Debby Diabetes–A Rebuttal to “Expect a Miracle”‘s blog
  • Oh Drama Blog, Oh Drama Blog…
  • I HATE LIARS *yea it’s MS Drama but this time it’s personal*
  • Do not open if you have a weak stomach and/or don’t like drama
  • PLEASE PRAY for JUDE & SAM they REALLY ARE SICK (Deleted by MySpace)
  • Laying Down the Facts – PART 1 JUDE (Deleted by MySpace)
  • Must Read!!!! – The Drama Llama’s life depends on it!


911 was an inside job… SANTA DID IT!


It’s FINALLY here!

LOOSE SCREWS is a parody of Zeitgeist and other crappy conspiracy films. Except for the part about Santa being real, I made everything else up.

  • 9/11 was a publicity stunt by Santa to boost Christmas sales in 2001
  • Santa sunk the Titanic posing as Capt. Smith to get famous
  • He’s an Egyptian god named Sentniclausnatut
  • The Bush Administration just jumped in on the 911 bandwagon because it grabbed so much attention
  • Santa Claus is an agent of the Zionists and the NWO, we’re on our way to global slavery and Dylan Avery is just slightly off the mark, and Alex Jones is right!
  • A secret Government site (www.noradsanta.org) PROVES his existence

Like all conspiracies, I start with a conclusion, and work my way backwards and twist and bend the evidence to support my conclusion. And of course, no conspiracy is complete without blaming the Jews for secretly controlling the world.

I’ve already gotten some heat and accused of anti-semitism because of the movie by idiots. Apparently the REAL 9/11 “Truthers”, their links to Holocaust Denial, White Supremacist groups and their accusations of “a Zionist Plot” everywhere is a-ok with them… however, cartoon Jews giving you the finger is NOT COOL and EVIL. *eyeroll* Besides, according to Encyclopedia Dramatica – The Jews really DID do the WTC.

If you hate these lame ‘9/11 Twoofers’ as much as I do, send them my way, and if you see ‘9/11 was an inside job’ posted somewhere, complete the sentence with ‘…AND SANTA DID IT!’

Please people, I need your LUVZ!!!!
Lotsa comments and booyahs, and I will love you forever… even if you hate me (but, why would you want to do that?).

Denny Keast speaks?

Holee cow!!!!

I don’t know if I’ve just scooped the cyberworld, but a gentleman claiming to be Denny Keast just set the record straight on my blog about that idiotic-mail circulating around, and denies having anything to do with it. I’ve just notified Snopes.Com about it and offering anything I have to help them confirm it.

“I have never flown a SAM mission nor have I ever been on Air Force One. These missions were flown by a special unit out of Andrews AFB, VA. I was never based in Washington DC, so the part about knowing a Secret Service Agent there is a lie as well.”

Do I think it’s the real Denny Keast? Yes I do.

For the simple reason that there is no political motivation behind his comments & he’s not endorsing any candidates here. It sounds like the words of a man who honorably served his country, worked with Presidents Johnson and Nixon, and simply wants to clear his name and not be stuck in the middle of the political mudslinging that will only get worse (and possibly violent) as the Presidential race continues.

Frankly I have no dog in this fight, either. No candidates are paying me to blog for them… so I’m not. Truth be told, I have no idea who I’m voting for at this point. People need to leave Mr. Keast alone and stop circulating junk e-mail in his name.

Consider your name cleared, sir, and I am honored you chose my site to do it. 😀

Who the heck is Denny Keast?

So I’m looking at the Idiotic E-Mail of the week
(just use the link. The message is really long)

Snopes has it as “Undetermined,” because it’s obviously next-to-impossible to verify a second hand account that also uses anonymous sources. About.Com is trying to verify it as well.

I did a Google search on “Denny Keast,” and, outside of this E-Mail hitting the Right-Wing circuit like wildfire (word-for-word), this guy doesn’t seem to exist!

So let’s look at it with common sense.

  • What is the writer trying to tell us?
  • Also, do you get the impression he REALLY likes one political party over another? 😀

Barely anything about Nixon, Ford, Carter or Reagan… was this guy on vacation for 20 years? They rely on certain historical facts on JFK and LBJ to get you to trust them on what Hillary, Bill and Gore were like to these people flying them around.

LBJ was a good ol’ boy, womanizer and all-around jerk? REALLY?
JFK had affairs? WOW!

But some of this, you need to swallow with a shot of Jack Daniels to get it down:

“Often the Secret Service would cringe at the verbal attacks Hillary would use against her husband. They were embarrassed for his sake by the manner and frequency in which she verbally insulted him, sometimes in the presence of the Secret Service, and sometimes behind closed doors. Even behind closed doors Hillary Clinton would scream and holler so loudly that everyone could hear what she was saying.”

16 years of almost non-stop Clinton bashing in the beltway with almost every personal aspect of their lives in the news and tell-all books… and this is the first I’m hearing this.

I have no doubt both President Bushes were courteous to all the staff taking care of them and guarding them. But I find it hard to believe they were the ONLY ones like that. Hell, common sense dictates that anyone whose job is to keep you alive… you BETTER be good to them. LOL!

Now the part about Dubya cooking and serving them at BBQ’s? I think they’re kind of stretching it. Outside of this E-Mail I’ve never heard of him doing this as well.

If you ask me, I think this email is total bullshit with it’s only objective is to slam Hillary and Gore (and what a coincidence it came out as she announced her candidacy, huh?). It has all the earmarks of a Right-Wing hit piece with as much credibility as the “Starbucks hates the Troops” and “Pepsi hates God” hoaxes (and you’d be amazed how many stupid people fall for this stuff).

And if I’m wrong, look at it this way:
When a tough decision needs to be made, or a bad guy needs to be faced down, who do you want doing it?

  • A Cross-dresser?
  • A Mormon?
  • A Conspiracy nut?
  • Or A Stone-cold bitch that doesn’t care what her enemies think? 😀

Why do people listen to Alex Jones?

Wow. The Right Wing had me fooled all along.

All this time I thought they hated Michael Moore for his anti-gun “Bowling for Columbine” and his anti-war “Fahrenheit 9/11“, and his pro-socialized medicine “Sicko“.

Well, get this, according to Alex “The New World Order is Coming!!!” Jones, Michael Moore is part of the conspiracy to “Help President Bush cover up his crimes” by not doing enough to uncover the “911 Truth”, and candy coats it by making Bush look like an idiot that can’t string a coherent sentence together with an administration of incompetents.

No. Really. See for yourself…

Have you seen his Alex Joneses new movie, Endgame yet? OMFG!!! He seems to pull the same tactic he does with Moore in the clip above. For two hours you can sit there and watch him stand outside a Bilderberg conference, go “what are they talking about in there?”, and then fill in the gaps with absurd conspiracy theories where only the weak-minded can possibly swallow this bullshit.

All this time, I thought “Farenheit 911” simply wanted to explain to the public how we went from 9/11 to Afghanistan to a war with a country that had nothing to so with it, at a time when 70% of the public was CONVINCED Saddam Hussein was involved.

One step at a time, conspiracy man… you still haven’t convinced me that David Rockefeller wants to destroy 80% of the world, eliminate the United States, form the North American Union and live forever when he looks like he’s going to keel over any day now!

On the plus side, according to him, the NWO has already “ordained” Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States of Amer North American Union… thereby saving me the trouble of standing in line for three hours next year voting for her.

Well all you Right Wing pundits that pretended to hate Michael Moore while he secretly served our Overlords in the New World Order…

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me…. uh… I wont get fooled again!

And the 9/11 conspiracy nuts continue…

I said it, Maddox said it, and Bill Maher said it. THERE IS NO 9/11 CONSPIRACY! Together, we know everything. What more do you want?

New Rule: Crazy people who still think the Government brought down the Twin Towers in a controlled explosion have to stop pretending that *I’M* the one who’s being naive. How big a lunatic do you have to be to watch 2 giant airliners, packed with jet fuel, slam into buildings on live TV, igniting a massive inferno with burned for 2 hours… and then think: ‘Well, if you believe *THAT* was the cause…’.”“Stop asking me to raise this ridiculous topic on the show and start asking your doctor if Paxil is right for you…”

Bill Maher, 9/14

Now despite the fact that Popular Mechanics debunked ALL of the 9/11 myths, someone took the movie “Loose Change” apart line by line, and a PLETHORA of sources on the JREF forum (who ridiculed every nut that came their way)… THE CRAZIES STILL CLING TO THE CONSPIRACIES!

Bill Maher is forced to eject so-called “911 Truthers” out of his audience. (YouTube video).

Watch these arrogant”Loose Change” kids as they are confronted with facts by the editors of Popular Mechanics.

In “Loose Change” they encourage people to do research and share their findings, HOWEVER… if your conclusions are different from theirs, you’re called a “LIAR” in a childish temper tantrum, and will find yourself banned on their forums.

And people still listen to these assholes? Do people have such a “MAD-ON” for Bush that they’ll just about accept anything they hear?

OK, let’s just say for the sake of argument this WAS a massive government conspiracy involving hundreds (maybe thousands) of people:

  1. A blowjob in the Oval Office didn’t stay a secret for long… and that was just TWO people.
  2. With all of the ex-Bush administration people resigning and writing “Tell-All” books, don’t you think a chapter called “How we pulled off 9/11 (Ha! Ha!)” would make theirs the biggest seller of all?
  3. If the U.S. government has no problem killing off 3,000 of its citizens in one day, then why the hell are these “911 Truther” nutjobs still around???
  4. OK conspiracy theorists, riddle me this…
    If this was an inside job by the Bush Administration… wouldn’t it have made more sense to frame Saddam Hussein and Iraq from the word “go”?

KayCee-Vu all over again

Remember KayCee Nicole? The Chipper, 19 year old who wrote beautiful poetry, suffered from Leukemia… oh yeah, and never existed?

Here’s a quick recap:

And well for all my haters here, thought you’d get a kick out of the beating I take from morons who twist everything I say in their Yahoo Group. Never mind the fact that I already apologized not once but twice on Metafilter for thinking that two web heavyweights vouching for KayCee, several people speaking on the phone with KayCee Swenson and a New York Times article about her was sufficient proof of her existence over their lame ass gut instincts. (Gee what was I thinking?) .

Ahhhhh fond memories of the past…. most of those losers, you can’t even find their websites anymore….
*waves off into obscurity-land and hopes they see me from down there* 😀

Anyway…. I stumbled across the most interesting article last night:
Protect Your Community from a Hoax

Lo and behold, it turns out there is a blogger by the name of Widow who joined a community of cancer survivors called Hyster Sisters. Weaving beautifully descriptive tales about all her sufferings
(compare her writing to my Debbie Swenson spoof here) .

But wait… the plot thickens! Last month, Kathy, the owner, was tipped off and shut Widow down as she was exposed elsewhere as Silver, Silver-Jouie, jouiegoy, Dorota Dinte, Widow, Dr Widow T Elliott Lee, Natasha Astra Elliott

And so ends the drama
I know you have been concerned about “Widow” as you follow her illness and progress.I have been contacted by someone who provided me with information that appears to indicate that “Widow” may not be who we believe her to be.
There is evidence of a person with the same email address, details of illness, geographic location and other details, that created a hoax over a year ago about her illness and death, requesting money be sent for donations. The details are identical.
  • One post on MySpace where Silver, a breast cancer survivor, tugs at someone’s heartstrings and then in December of 2006 suffers from every health issue under the sun, including (wait for it…) BRAIN ANEURISM (What did KayCee die from again? YEP! You betcha!).
  • Six months earlier, June 5th 2006, a (wait for it again…) POET named Silver-Jouie Goy and her death is TOTALLY BUSTED on MySpace as a fraud.The reaction of her death from her fellow poets here and this one sure looks like a mini version of the ugliness on Metafilter …..
  • Silver Jouie’s page on Zorpia. Much like Kaycee’s request which made people suspicious… please don’t send flowers or cards…. donate to charity. hmmmmmm

A new epidemic of women dying and then being uncovered as frauds?
Or the same person moving on to bigger and greener pastures?

Hell if I know.
But the parallels are uncanny. 😉

KayCee Nicole... or should I say Julie FullbrightKayCee Nicole... or should I say Julie FullbrightKayCee Nicole... or should I say Julie FullbrightKayCee Nicole... or should I say Julie Fullbright

There is no 9/11 conspiracy, you morons!

Rather than me coming up with something wild and far-fetched (Like how assholes in New York can *honestly* believe I’m divorced and no longer seeing or supporting my children… you know the ones I stayed home from work and picked up from school today?), I bring you another nutty conspiracy theory skillfully debunked by the man I want to be when he grows up: MADDOX….

You see… as long as the Democrats allow lunatics to continue spouting stuff like this, and not disavow them… they will continue to lose and wonder why people use the term “The Looney Left”. With the mid-term elections coming up, and no doubt Terrorism will be the number one topic and ace in the hole for Fox “News” types, we can’t afford to lose this one.

These nutjobs and conspiracy theorists do NOT speak for me. Go take your “Illuminati” fairy tales someplace else.

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