No More Twitterangs (I hope!)

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(The term “Twitterang” comes from the one and only SikoKitty)

In my quest for a perfect Cyber-Utopia, which of course, involves me being worshipped as a CyberGod, and not having to lift a finger, with all my brilliance splattered all over the web by automation… well we had a screwup of epic proportions.

Here’s how it works: I post a status to MySpace, which then goes to Twitter, which then goes to Facebook, and my Website (here), which then goes to Networked Blogs… which somehow looped over and over and drove people nuts.

My Digital Assistant, JennyI blame my assistant Jenny for this.
We know I don’t make mistakes.

Some may remember her as “CyberGirl”, the artificially intelligent bot that greeted new members at the old Problem Adults site. Well, I have revamped her to help me, and she reads and answers most of my emails and and blog posts.

Hell I don’t even know who most of you people are.

Hopefully with this blog post, I’ll know if I fixed that snafu and no more “Twitterangs”. Next step will be finding the subroutine and maybe make Jenny a redhead or a brunette so she will stop being a dumb blonde and be more efficient.

I apologize to everyone.
For her screw up, of course. 😀

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Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
