[#Script #Coding] 33 Spreadsheet Projects Course for Beginners – Excel and Google Sheets

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33 Spreadsheet Projects Course for Beginners – Excel and Google Sheets

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Jan 07, 2025

freeCodeCamp.org Improve your skills with spreadsheets by building 33 projects. Most can be done with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

Course developed by @EamonnCottrell.

Project Demo Sheets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dEfgXu997gGy7rs9Qe3sTvil7kHyHZMM2eXvxsVYOfA/template/preview

?? Contents ??
?? (0:00:00) Intro
?? (0:00:32) Create a Personal Finance Tracker
?? (0:10:19) Create All Day Calendar Events
?? (0:20:30) Auto Numbering in Excel
?? (0:23:31) Create Dynamic Search Bar
?? (0:29:33) Excel User Defined Functions
?? (0:33:59) Apps Script Form to Calendar
?? (0:42:45) Embed YouTube in Sheets
?? (0:49:49) Send Email From Google Sheet
?? (0:54:01) Automate Reminder Emails with Lido
?? (1:05:19) Create Image Lightbox in Google Sheet
?? (1:11:43) Create Travel Checklist in Sheets
?? (1:22:08) Mail Merge with Lido
?? (1:32:22) Regular Expressions in Excel
?? (1:37:13) Table in Google Sheets finally
?? (1:44:22) Create a Daily Taskmaster
?? (1:49:03) Link Google Tables to Google Docs
?? (1:50:31) Excel vs Sheets Tables
?? (2:11:17) Create a Dynamic Monthly Calendar in Sheets
?? (2:22:53) Create Multiple Condition Dynamic Checkboxes
?? (2:32:43) Apps Script – Extract Data From LinkedIn
?? (2:39:33) Apps Script – Get Last Row
?? (2:44:24) Multiple Dependent Drop Down Lists
?? (2:52:43) Multiple Selection Data Validation update
?? (3:00:09) YouTube Analytics In Google Sheets
?? (3:10:51) Excel File Types
?? (3:15:07) Excel – Create Search Bar
?? (3:27:10) Quickbooks Fast Bulk Import from Excel
?? (3:36:09) 14 Excel Shortcuts
?? (3:44:10) Excel – Make a Dynamic Invoice Generator
?? (4:01:21) Excel – Make a Calendar with Sequence
?? (4:10:32) Automatic notifications from Google Sheet
?? (4:11:02) Excel – Create Color By Number Generator
?? (4:17:28) Excel – Make a Directory of Sheets with VBA

???? Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
???? Drake Milly
???? Ulises Moralez
???? Goddard Tan
???? David MG
???? Matthew Springman
???? Claudio
???? Oscar R.
???? jedi-or-sith
???? Nattira Maneerat
???? Justin Hual

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