[#Script #Coding] Intro to Machine Learning featuring Generative AI

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Intro to Machine Learning featuring Generative AI

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Mar 05, 2025

freeCodeCamp.org Welcome to this intro to machine learning course. The course starts with the fundamentals, covering what machine learning is, how it differs from traditional approaches, and where it’s used. It then dives deeper into the mechanics, exploring different models, algorithms, and training processes. Next, it introduces Generative AI, explaining how it creates new content, before wrapping up with the architecture of AI systems and how to design and deploy them effectively.

?? Rola Dali created this course. Rola is an AI Engineer and has a PHD in NeuroScience.

???? Code and Slides: https://github.com/rdali/miniMLseries

?? Try interactive AI courses we love, right in your browser: https://scrimba.com/freeCodeCamp-AI (Made possible by a grant from our friends at Scrimba)

0:00:00 Course Introduction
0:02:51 Intro to Machine Learning
0:29:32 Machine Learning Under the Hood
0:45:30 ML vs Software Demo
1:06:43 Intro to Generative AI
1:57:36 Architecting GenAI Systems

???? Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
???? Drake Milly
???? Ulises Moralez
???? Goddard Tan
???? David MG
???? Matthew Springman
???? Claudio
???? Oscar R.
???? jedi-or-sith
???? Nattira Maneerat
???? Justin Hual

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