“Jesus Christ I gotta clean the loft today. What a mess!” OY!
Don’t you wish you were me?
Sorry. The position of annoying & sarcastic pain in the ass on the web has already been taken!
But man, speaking of WebGods… are my eyes decieving me? Did I just get a visit by the one and only Mz. Kitty?
I mean, damn… this woman is an internet legend! I remember a time where you couldn’t visit a blog or website that didn’t have her graphics on it! Well, of course I’m still here darling… with all these “Eric Brookses” out there clamoring for this domain name, I ain’t letting it go!
I love when I get emails from some guy named “Eric Brooks”… they’re always amazed to find someone with the same name as them (look in the white pages, genius!). Wonder if all the guys named “Danny Gonzalez” go through this… I had three friends with that name growing up.
Is it me or do all guys named Eric Brooks think they’re the center of the universe? If I irritate you people even HALF as much as these guys do to me… I am SOOOO SORRY!
See a therapist! Maybe we can all get a group discount or something.