[#Video #Design] 10 C4D Hacks Every Motion Designer Needs to Know

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10 C4D Hacks Every Motion Designer Needs to Know

By School of Motion
Published: Feb 05, 2025

School of Motion Work faster than you ever have before!

Struggling to meet impossible deadlines in Cinema 4D? These 10 time-saving workflow hacks will transform the way you work in C4D, helping you speed up your projects, stay organized, and create stunning renders faster than ever. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro who knows what a Creative Cow is, these tips will help you work smarter, not harder!

Checkout the corresponding blog post here: https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/cinema-4d-hacks

Want to learn C4D from the ground up? Check out our C4D Starter Course Cinema 4D Basecamp: https://www.schoolofmotion.com/courses/cinema-4d-basecamp

???? CHAPTERS ????
00:00 Coming Up…
00:39 Cinema4D’s Commander
01:12 Selection Objects
02:01 Simplify Animation Workflow
03:23 Quick Environment Lights
03:56 Organizing with Layers
05:19 Creating a Universal Color Node
05:59 The Power of Presets
07:40 Speeding Up Your Interactive Preview Render
08:29 Freeze Tessellation and Freeze Geometry
09:08 Adjusting Bucket Size for Faster Renders
11:46 Wrap Up

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