[#Video #Design] Already Been Chewed and the Journey to Motion Design Success

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Already Been Chewed and the Journey to Motion Design Success

By School of Motion
Published: Mar 19, 2025

School of Motion EJ jams with Barton Damer, the creative muscle behind Already Been Chewed (ABC)…basically the Tony Hawk of motion design. This dude turned his skateboarding obsession into a full-blown 3D animation studio that now cranks out mind-blowing work for Nike, Adidas, Star Wars, and Marvel.

Check out the corresponding blog post with key takeaways: https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/already-been-chewed


Barton Damer https://www.linkedin.com/in/barton-damer-92a32918
EJ Hassenfratz https://www.youtube.com/@eyedesyn/videos
Nick Campbell https://greyscalegorilla.com/about-us/
Paul Babb https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbabb/
Rob Dyrdek https://robdyrdek.com/
Mark Fancher https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkFancherFX
Dan Arsham https://www.danielarsham.com/
PJ Richardson https://www.laundry.studio/
Jonathan Winbush https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmzWP6o2cw73moEF7LO_KvA


Already Been Chewed (ABC) https://www.alreadybeenchewed.tv/
Greyscale Gorilla https://greyscalegorilla.com/
Maxon https://www.maxon.net/en
LRG https://l-r-g.com/
Nike https://www.nike.com/
Adidas https://www.adidas.com/
Under Armour https://www.underarmour.com/en-us/
Street League Skateboarding https://www.streetleague.com/
MTV https://www.mtv.com/
ESPN https://www.espn.com/
Discovery Channel https://www.discovery.com/
New Balance https://www.newbalance.com/
Louis Vuitton https://www.alreadybeenchewed.tv/louisvuitton
Tiffany and Co. https://www.tiffany.com/stories/collaborations/daniel-arsham-pokemon/
Legwork https://legworkstudio.com/animation/
Laundry Studio https://www.laundry.studio/
SoFi Stadium https://www.laundry.studio/ooh/project-four-l3zw3-jecsr-hr7em-6yptl


Fantasy Factory https://www.paramountplus.com/shows/rob-dyrdeks-fantasy-factory/
Rob & Big https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_%26_Big
Snack Off https://tv.apple.com/us/show/snack-off/umc.cmc.3cjzt6066id3jq5koxur3vx9p
Ridiculousness https://tv.apple.com/us/show/ridiculousness/umc.cmc.234le4y5rrb4satzsf28ix6yx
Digital Artist of the Year https://www.behance.net/gallery/12189735/COMPUTER-ARTS-MAGAZINE-Digital-Artist-of-the-Year?locale=en_US


NAB https://www.nabshow.com/
Cinema 4D https://www.maxon.net/en/cinema-4d
After Effects https://www.adobe.com/products/aftereffects.html
Computer Arts Magazine https://www.creativebloq.com/computer-arts
Adobe Photoshop https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html
Adobe Illustrator https://www.adobe.com/products/illustrator.html
Final Cut Pro https://www.apple.com/final-cut-pro/
iMovie https://support.apple.com/imovie
Houdini https://www.sidefx.com/products/houdini/
Unreal Engine https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US
Behance https://www.behance.net/onboarding/hirerCreative
Nixon https://www.nixon.com/
Rob & Bart Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frJ4rcpyFvI

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