EvilMarty® 2004 World Tour

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I’m bored.

Anyone who has known me for longer than 10 minutes knows that can ony mean one thing:

Mischief and Mayhem.

Ok, that’s two things. Sue me.

As everyone knows, usually some evil twisted bad guy/gal becomes that way because of a tragic unjust miscarriage of justice in the antagonist’s past that scarred him/her forever….

In my case, it’s because nobody ever trusted me with a Flat Stanley. You know the cute little paper guy that gets mailed around the world and everyone takes pictures with him.

Well, nobody let me play.

(Everyone: “AWWWWWW…..”)EvilMarty®

Anybody up for some Photoshop fun?

I propose we circulate EvilMarty®. Flat Stanley’s no good, welfare recipient, beer guzzling cousin from the trailer parks…

I’ll make the Photoshop PSD, and we can circulate him around notorious crime scenes, mass murderers and politicians. Post it in your blog, and ping me.

Then we can have a vote, and the winner will get a premium copy of LotsaFonts! on CD.

*holds back tears* *sniffles*

Then maybe… just maybe, I’ll find something else to blame for my sorry state of bitter bastardhood be a better person.

(Everyone: “AWWWWWW…..”)

Would you do it for me?

Wow. Who knew there were so many problem adults that are handy with Photoshop out there?

Just mere hours after announcing the EvilMarty® Photoshop Contest, we’ve already got our favorite flattened redneck showing up everywhere…

  • He’s over at Just Donna’s making a Public Service announcement about oxymorons.
  • Kendra has him too… at the Democratic Debates! (Who knew he was running for office?)
  • The hilarity ensues over at SALON DES REFUSΓ―ΒΏΒ½ forum, where Reverend Mykeru and his band of merry elves are REALLY cranking them out…

    (As you can see by his Gallery of Jebus Art… he’s just warming up)

  • No rush, kids. I haven’t set a deadline yet… make as many as you want… but let me know if you have EvilMarty® up somewhere, ok? JOIN IN ON THE FUN!!!

    Update 8:16 PM: EGADS, he’s now been spotted at Kiss This! He’s spreading faster than the My Doom worm!!!! Good Lord! What have we DONE??!!??

    Yet another Update 1/29 @ 5:33 PM: – His invasion continues at Desiree’s, where he shares a brewskie and stock tips from Martha Stewart!

    Double whammy at Dee’s: at last Wednesday’s blogger meet-up, and then moving in on J-Lo now that Affleck is out of the picture… ZOINKS!!!!

    Eric Brooks

    Musician, Programmer, Graphic Designer, Evil Clown - A thorn in the Internet's side since 1997 with no intention of stopping any time soon.

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    17 thoughts on “EvilMarty® 2004 World Tour

    1. EvilMarty stopped out for some beers with my local blogger buddies and me… blurring the lines of blogging reality…. πŸ˜‰

    2. Evil Marty is visiting Cape Town, South Africa and is enjoying his visit. You will see some photo’s of him soon. He sends his best wishes and says he is best buddies with the beer drinking, sport fanatic men here. He’ll be back soon because he is tired of my nagging to get him to shave and jog on the beach with me.

    3. Marty looks like the typical male dude….beer, smoke, need of a shave…..hey, how come he isn’t in boxers and shirtless? And, where’s the TV remote? πŸ˜‰

      Have a good weekend -e-

    4. Have a good month off, enjoy yourself, will miss you a bunch and be bored, waiting for your return. (Love Saddam’s slot pic!)

    5. Pingback: Just Donna
    6. Pingback: Just Donna
    7. Pingback: Desi-Talk
    8. Pingback: GLASSY :: EYED - blogging nekked in the Midwest
    9. Pingback: GLASSY :: EYED - blogging nekked in the Midwest

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    Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
