Sparrows on my shoulder

UPDATE: While Eric remains on his deathbed (given last rites, yesterday) “Celebrity Guest Blogger Weekend” continues… with Debbie Swenson

Hi everyone… long time no hear.

I had just finished finished nursing Bigfoot back to health, when I was saddened by the horrific news of Eric’s illness.

I arrived at the Lair of MiScHiEf, after stopping to gaze at the glorious sunset by the Delaware Water Gap. The golden streaks amid the purple hues in the clouds giving way to the blazing stars was extraordinary.

I probably shouldn’t have stayed and watched… since I had his prescriptions in the car, and he needed them bad. But I had to share this nonetheless.

It broke my heart to see this frail shell of a man suffer so. I remember how talanted he was, so full of life, and pure unbridled energy.
Continue reading “Sparrows on my shoulder”

Flu Shots are for p*ssies!

UPDATE: Eric is very very sick and cannot post so we launched “Celebrity Guest Blogger Weekend”. Ladies and gentlemen… Mr. George Carlin!

Hey there…

While Eric’s blowing globs of snot all over his co-workers, he asked me to fill in until he gets better. So I’ll take a crack at blogging that you kids are all crazy about.

I wanna talk about something here, something real important.

No it’s not about Ashcroft taking our civil rights and flushing them down the crapper; Or that moron we have in the White House trying to start the Cold War back up.

This is far more important… FLU SHOTS.

Yeah, yeah… “come on everybody, get your flu shots! Wooohoo Laaaa–dee–daa.”


They inject influenza into you!!! They add a few other additives an preservatives in it to help you develop an immunity to the flu…


Some Moron: “We’ll yeah. Sure I’m in my bed writhing in agony for a few days, praying for the reaper to put me out of my misery… but hey, I won’t get the flu all winter long now!!! Yuk! Yuk!”

Me: “What if you weren’t going to get the flu this winter to begin with?”

Some Moron: “Uhhhh…. I didn’t think of that.”

Can someone… ANYONE please explain this concept to me? Me? I’ll just buy a heavy coat and a hat this winter. Thank you very much.

Can’t wait ’till they get these rocket scientists to try the “Ebola Shot”.

(Disclaimer: No, genius. This was NOT really posted by George Carlin like duh… okay?)

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