Mountain Laurel Making History

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Mountain Laurel Opening Night

I’m not sure if you guys are into that “making history” stuff, but I just created a slideshow for work about last night’s grand opening of the Mountain Laurel Center for the Performing Arts.

It’s an all-weekend gala including a $500 a plate dinner, featured guest of honor, Tom Ridge, major political figures…

History was just made.

Just so you know.

In case someone forgot to tell you.

Bob Dylan’s coming next week, btw.

Eric Brooks

Musician, Programmer, Graphic Designer, Evil Clown - A thorn in the Internet's side since 1997 with no intention of stopping any time soon.

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15 thoughts on “Mountain Laurel Making History

  1. While I’m waiting for the slide show to load…may I just say…having your name attached to such a prestigous occassion must be putting a tired smile on your puss. Very good deal. *patting you on the back*
    Amy Roo looks like Linda Blair.
    Typo: lil girl WORE a hat
    Beautiful presentation, striking pictures and good order. Wonderful. Adding to it as the festivities continue?
    ***Bob Dylan?!!!! fucking cool.

  2. Yeah, I just caught the typo…
    Oh yeah… my wife is a part of the security team there, we’ll be hosting our awards show there next May… I got a big-ass grin!!!!

    And the Beach Boys are coming Labor Day… wanna be my date? :0)

  3. Dylan’s old. Someone put him to sleep. I’m sorry, he can write terrific songs as much as he likes – so long as he finds someone ELSE to sing them *shudder* Or have you guys forgotten the farce that was the Oscars a couple years back? Puhleez. In any rate, Eric, what history was made?

  4. Admittedly, I’m no major fan of Bob Dylan, once upon a time he was an awesome songwriter and spoke for a generation… but the fact is, he’s too old, and burnt out. I was told security is going to have their hands full as he likes to “wander off” (that is, assuming he even shows up, which he’s notorious for.)

    History was made in the fact that the Mountain Laurel Center was Tom Ridge’s final act as Governor of PA, giving a $17.5 million dollar grant to build the place, before taking his job as Homeland Security Chief.

    It’s going to be good for business here (partcularly the three big hotels here)… The Poconos is mainly a resort/entertainment town, and now we have a major venue for bigger acts to come and perform.

  5. You haven’t heard my impersonation of Dylan yet. :0)
    Maybe I’ll do one one of those audioblog posts tonight.

    And thanks, sweetie.

  6. $500 a plate!? That’s $30,000 Jamaican! I wonder what the hell they would be serving me to be worth that knid of money….and I won’t make any suggestions either. 😉

  7. I was wondering where you lived, -=e=-… Is it the Poconos? Thats in Pennsylvania, right? I guess you suffered from this major outage too, huh? Where were you when the lights went out, man?

  8. Nope… no power outage for us. (Please, we lose power with every lightning storm!)

    Yes, the Poconos is in PA. I’m about 60 miles away from New York City, so we’re pretty lucky. The one in 1977 was enough for me, as my old neighborhood in Brooklyn was turned into a war zone… thankyouverymuch. :0)

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