First of all, “The pierced one” (Kat) would like to spread the word that “My Single Mom Life” has moved. Make a note.
If you use blogroll you can make changes by clicking this link.
(*Nifty little script I swiped FROM Deb. SMOOCH!*)
Anyway, I was inspired by after a quick emergency trip to work, and saw Dave Barry’s The Year In Review…
So aside FROM my end-of-the-year post, I was thinking about a collaborative effort, and make a .PDF document out of it? What do you think?
- So far I’m covering: (And collaborations are MORE than welcome)
- The Year of Hormonal Bitch and Raising Hell.
- Unholy Alliances.
- Hoopty: Rise and Fall of the president of the interneck.
- BlogCon 2002.
- Davezilla -vs- MegaConglomerate
- America, You will be rounded up and shot
- Boobies, Blog-a-thons, and other great causes
- Inside L.A. County Jail
- Wil Wheaton (insert gagging sounds here)
- Z-List: a moment of silence for an awesome concept
- Zeldman Orange™ no more
- Chris Powers: The Spy who stalked me
- Blogger Snowball Fight
Collaborations are not only welcome…. but sorely needed! I’ll be scouring blogs for end of the Year posts, for more things I’m sure I missed (I’m not omnipotent anymore folks.). Just email me at my top-secret email or use my Yahoo address in the buttons on the top right.
* Oh… and any harrassing emails telling me NOT to write something (or else), will result in that entry BOLDED AND DOUBLE SIZED.
I already have a surprise sponsor, whose site is launching in early January…. more sponsors are welcome (details to follow).
Whaddya think?
anybody wanna be nice and help? I have taken the liberty of HIJACKING the Flame Emporium and started a new discussion thread about it.
(You need to sign up and join. We don’t just let *anyone* in ya know.)
***Edited to Add: ****
Michele is also compiling a list for Required Reading of 2002, and the Ten Most Intriguing Bloggers of 2002. I will of course ask her permission to add this in the project. And take it, regardless of her answer.
Everyone needs to get off my case for my picks… I was only allowed 10, okay? I love you all…. now back off!
thank you darlin, now where is that script? i want that.
I emailed it (it was too damn long and screwed up this box)… anyone else wants it, drop me a line, ok?
I know better than to tell you no. Go right ahead.
OMG, and here I was wondering what to do for my end of the year bash (pun intended)! I’ll join the Kare’s not talking about you, really, dealie.
Wheels turning… out.
I’ll skip the sign up and join since I’m anyone ;o)
Well, gee…
Kare was here (via Linkmeister @ 7:33PM), this is going to be interesting.
Did she think I was compiling the biggest moments of 2002 and not add the “Battle of the last-word freaks”?
Go get em’ E!!!! Grrrrr!!!! *lol* ;o)
Why have I not had you on my blogrolls before? Must rectify…. There! All better!