Oh gee… isn’t *THAT* special…
How sweet it is for Carol Brooks
Oooooo laaaa-dee-da
Even references to the Adorable-you-know-who’s in it.
Yeah, well..maybe I’m a little proud. :0)
Oh, scream nepotism all you want, you heartless jackals… I actually had nothing to do with this one.
Ms. Scarponi heard about all the chocolate houses & pops flying off the shelves of stores and restaurants all over the area, and contacted her early in the week about her column. (In fact, tonight was the first time I actually *met* Lisa.)
Okay… well, I put up the EPCN site a day early, ‘cuz I wont be at work tomorrow, and I wanted to make sure it was done right.
I’m proud of you honey… congratulations!
Wow, that’s great now and deserved, cause she really make some good looking chocolate =o) You’ve done a great job with her page by the way :o)
hey e?
Do you do her site? If so…all of the links are set to # and I’m not getting anything more than the index page. BTW..I’m using IE 5
Wow, what a beautiful site your wife has. Did she do it herself
Congratulations to you both, and hoping that the orders just pour in!! Pretty soon Carole will have E in an apron pouring chocolate!!!! ;o)
Pretty soon Carole will have E in an apron pouring chocolate!!!! ;o)
“SOON??? ” Nights before crafts shows, and especially during Christmas season it’s an “all hands on deck” situation! Been that way for years… One year she was so busy wih business in NYC that we forgot to decorate the house and ended up doing tree, lights, & wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve… we finished just minutes before the kids woke up in the morning.
all of the links are set to # and I’m not getting anything more than the index page.
I know… the site is nowhere near done. I slapped that index page on just because I knew the article was mentioning it. Believe me… we are not ready for online ordering yet! :0)
Just the kind of story you want to read during the holiday season
Congrats and all that malarkey
Mmmmmm….. E in an apron….. *lol* ;o)
… and rubber gloves.
(Dept. of Agriculture regulations, don’tyaknow)
Hey, I’m also the guy for mixing colors like flesh, gold, and Barney purple (more like fushcia, really) :0)
Stop it!!!! You’re making me crazy!!!!! ;o)
actually, I just get a blank index page! I want to check this out, darnit! *congrats!*
oop, got it! Off to explore.
Ok, now you can’t tell me that you don’t get to sample any of Carol’s chocolate art.
How does she keep you from eating the profits up?
Oh that would be such a dangerous buisness for a spouse to have – chocolate lying around the house all the time – *sigh*
Trust me, Batty…
After 11+ years dealing with 50 pound boxes of chocolate… none of us can eat chocolate. We get our sugar rush from it being in the air.
Well…I really didnt think the web guru of the Poconos would forget to put links in..but you never know… Chocolate overdose does strange things to the fingers they say
You…you can’t eat chocolate?
*eyes wide over the horror of the very thought*