Debate questions that should have been asked

This one was less “massacre-like” in my opinion. Very informative, and I think, if anything Bush and Kerry definitely succeeded in defining the differences between what they have to offer.

HOWEVER… I could well imagine if you’re a fan of Bush or Kerry, this wasn’t going to change your mind and make the switch. I have written the following seven questions that, if answered correctly, would have changed my vote:

President Bush: “In 1912, the captain of the Titanic decided to ‘stay the course’ despite the warnings of icebergs. Where did they bury the survivors?”

Senator Kerry: “Do I look fat in these jeans?”

President Bush: “Mr. President, can you look the camera straight in the eye, and (just once) pronounce the word ‘NU-CLE-AR’ correctly?”

Senator Kerry: “Senator Kerry, level with the American people… how much botox was injected INTO your chin by mistake?”

President Bush: “Mr. President, Saddam Hussein was a very very very bad man. My question is… Quick! What’s the capitol of North Dakota?”

Senator Kerry: “Senator Kerry. The Bush campaign has labeled you a “flip-flopper”. In your 20 years in the Senate, how many times have you tied up traffic at a Wendy’s drive thru?”

Both Candidates “Barbara, Jenna or Alexandra. Who do you think the average American male voter should be masturbating over the most right now and why?”

See also: Misty has some suggestions to make the debates more fun!

Do you look at a menu and say "OK"?

One of my comedic heroes, Rodney Dangerfield has passed away.

Some of his great one-liners have been collected here.
Rather than have my typical fits of rage at moments like this, exclaiming “It should have been YOU!!!”, I choose to remember the good times and all the laughs this time. I’m gonna rent Back to School, and raise a glass of coke in his honor.

I still think it should have been you, though.


OOPS! I stand corrected.
TODAY (Oct 4th) is the last day to register to vote in PA. And probably a whole bunch of other states FROM what I’m reading in the comments.

October 8th is the deadline mine and a few other newspaper sites need to get an election module up & running. That’s the reason for my mixup (Oh, and I’m a blond too!).

I wonder why all the “professional pundits” didn’t come and correct me? (OK, fellow Pennsylf**kingtuckyan Atrios mentioned it yesterday.)

Voting (For more than just a President, you know)

I don’t know about your neck of the woods, but this Friday (Oct 8th) Monday (Oct 4th) is the last day you can register to vote for the election in PA. Rules are also exceptionally tighter this year as things such as ID and proof of address may be required at the polls in November.

The good news is that the funding for those newfangled electronic voting machines (that neither side seems to trust) fell through here and I’ll have one of those old, reliable levers to yank.

I saw a comment recently where one voter is not even going to bother because they’re in a solid Red state. There may be someone out there that feels the same way because they’re in a solid Blue state.

To them I say, well that’s you’re choice, of course, but bear this in mind: There is a lot more on that ballot than just who’s running for President… one way or another your vote DEFINITELY counts there. Your local government will affect your life FAR MORE than who ends up in the White House.

  • You may leave a corrupt judge on the bench who you may eventually face
  • A state representative fighting for you may lose his seat
  • A proposition that may grant your local police or fire department funding for equipment that may save your life
  • The incumbent county supervisor will stay on to raise your property taxes through the roof (and of course, your uneducated ass will probably blame the President for it like he’s the end-all-be-all of government).
  • Me? I got a senator to vote out (yes for once I’m listening to Ann Coulter). Personally, I can’t get past him discouraging Clinton against trying to kill Osama bin Laden with missles back in 1998, claiming it was “merely a distraction FROM the Monica scandal”.

    And no, it’s not Rick Santorum… but trust me, when his turn comes, you can count on me to do the right thing. :0)

    Oh Dear…

    It appears Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian ™ has given The Good Book® a rest and has put Kitty Kelley’s new trash novel on her nightstand….


    Got Munchies? 

    I have no intentions of buying the book, it just seems some of the allegations are just too outlandish for me to believe:

    • The Bush family fortune *didn’t* come FROM Prescott Bush’s investments in the Third Reich, but when Barbara Bush robbed banks nationwide with Ma Barker’s gang instead
    • The Bush family feud with Dan Rather actually started when Rather asked Poppy in 1988 “Do you have any naked pictures of your wife? Wanna buy some?”

    Continue reading “Oh Dear…”

    Jerry Fallwell’s Greatest Hits

    I’m not sure how I bounced to this in my nightly surf: Jerry Fallwell Quotes, and I think I’ve struck comedy gold.

    Kids… this is why your mommy doesn’t want you eating paint chips off the floor!

    “Grown men should not be HAVING sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them”
    That one threw me INTO an uncontrollable giggling fit for more reasons than I care to explain.

    How’s the wife, Jerry?
    Continue reading “Jerry Fallwell’s Greatest Hits”

    Putting the 'FUN' is dysFUNctional

    You know, since I’ve given up being a workaholic, I’ve discovered television.
    (Why didn’t you people tell me it was in color now?)

    Tell me, how can you NOT love little Stewie Griffin FROM “Family Guy“?
    He’s EXACTLY what I imagined Dr. Doom was like as a toddler.

    A great episode was where he was taken away by CP$ and in a foster home.
    Foster child: “Come on Stewie, you can help us make our rainbow”
    Stewie: “I have a better idea, why don’t we all play let’s drink what’s under the sink instead?”

    The best by far was the one where Peter’s dad retires and comes to live with them. A stereotypical Irish Catholic who turns Stewie on to God with horror stories FROM the Old Testament.

    Stewie: “I love this God fellow… he’s so deliciously evil!!!”

    Woman fired for a Kerry bumper sticker

    While the Right Wing unit of the Pajama Patrol™ wastes its time on memos and professional victims, I’ve noticed a silly pattern of theirs over the last year or so…

    “Why don’t the other side speak out about [insert silly subject here]?”

    Well, why do they have to? Why do they have to be roped in to your silly topics instead of their own? Maybe the issue is either bullshit, irrelevant, or they have nothing to add that hasn’t already been said. Or they know that you’ll just perceive it as a surrender?

    It’s an ongoing pattern with them. When they can’t find someone to argue with, they *create* this enemy that stands for the polar opposite of what they do… and that’s just idiotic, if not borderline sociopathic.

    • I have yet to meet one of those mythological liberals that thinks no one should own a gun.
    • I have yet to meet one of those Bush-hating Leftys that thinks a civilian being kidnapped and beheaded is acceptable.
    • I have yet to meet anyone that didn’t support Operation Enduring Freedom to defend ourselves and bring those responsible for 9/11 to justice……so the blanket term of “Anti-War” for anyone who can see that the war in Iraq and the War on Terror are two completely different issues… well, I call bullshit on that too.

    And I CERTAINLY refuse to believe that censoring anyone’s right to express their political views is a one-sided thing… especially if Phil Parlock is the best they can come up with. (Projection, anyone?)

    Here’s a story that drew the sound of crickets FROM the right wing of the Blogosphere last week….

    Moulton woman says she lost job for sporting Kerry sticker on car

    Sure she has. It’s called “WRONGFUL TERMINATION”. Her boss is so passionate about his guy winning, and thinks because one particular policy worked for him, he has the right to stifle the views of any of his employees.

    And I would say the same thing if it was a “Bush/Cheney” bumpersticker….

    … in fact I did this week as the ACLU came to town this week to defend a Pocono man’s right to put a Bush sign on his lawn. (Sorry. No links). I stand by that man’s right… it’s called “DEMOCRACY”, and our right as Americans SELECT our own leader.

    But don’t worry about Lynne Gobbell though.
    According to Slate, John Kerry caught wind of it and her supervisor’s spiteful remark (“You can work here or for John Kerry”), and Kerry told her “You let him know you’re working for me as of today.


    What a guy! Not even President yet and he’s already creating jobs.
    (I don’t know if this was on any Right wing sites… and personally, I don’t care.)

    Lynne Gobbell said her boss fired her last week because of the Kerry-Edwards campaign sticker on the back of her car.
    DAILY Photo by Clyde Stancil

    MOULTON – Lynne Gobbell never imagined the cost of a John Kerry-John Edwards bumper sticker could run so high.

    Lynne Gobbell said her boss fired her last week because of the Kerry-Edwards campaign sticker on the back of her car.

    Gobbell of Moulton didn’t pay a cent for the sticker that she proudly displays on the rear windshield of her Chevrolet Lumina, but said it cost her job at a local factory after it angered her boss, Phil Gaddis. …
    … “The lady there (at the unemployment commission) said that she has never heard of a firing like this before,” Gobbell said.

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    Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
