Setting Up a Windows PC For Web Development: WSL, Git, Node.js, Docker, Oh My Zsh, & MySQL
By LearnWebCode
Published: Dec 06, 2021“
Let’s walk through setting up a Windows PC for web development, and use Windows Subsystem For Linux as the backbone.
My premium courses:
Finished product Node.js code:…
Finished product Docker Compose file:…CONTENTS:
- 0:00 Intro
- 1:03 Windows Subsystem For Linux
- 5:24 Just For Fun: cmatrix
- 6:20 VS Code Integration
- 8:57 Oh My Zsh
- 11:00 Git
- 15:52 Windows Terminal
- 20:40 Node.js
- 24:50 Docker
- 33:18 Upgrading From WSL1 To WSL2
- 38:25 MySQL
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Category: Html Tipz
Some tips on better web design and development
[#WebDesign #Coding] Learn HTML & CSS – Full Course for Beginners
Learn HTML & CSS – Full Course for Beginners
Published: Sep 14, 2022“
Learn HTML and CSS from scratch by building 6 projects and solving 80+ coding challenges. Go here for the interactive browser version:
- Interactive version:
- GitHub repo:…
This course was created by Per Harald Borgen, the co-founder and CEO of Scrimba. You can follow Per on Twitter here:
Tools used:
- Netlify:
- VS Code:
- GitHub Desktop:
- Figma:
- Coolors:
- Google Fonts:
- 1001 Fonts:
- 0:00:00 Introduction
Build and deploy your first website
- 0:01:32 1: Welcome to the HTML & CSS Course
- 0:04:12 2: HTML Tags
- 0:07:33 3: Write a news article
- 0:09:43 4: The image tag
- 0:14:43 5: Nesting
- 0:17:33 6: Internet superpowers – Change the BBC news!
- 0:22:34 7: Interactive elements – Button
- 0:24:37 8: Interactive elements – input tags — Experiment with input types 100%
- 0:29:37 9: Let’s build Google!
- 0:33:28 10: Aside – Anchor tags
- 0:38:04 11: Add an anchor tag to
- 0:39:43 12: Proper document structure
- 0:45:29 13: Aside: Lists
- 0:49:27 14: Build a personal Website
- 0:58:15 15: Deploy your Personal Website
- 1:01:30 16: HTML Recap
Build a clone
- 1:03:06 1: Let’s learn CSS!
- 1:03:53 2: Write your first lines of CSS!
- 1:08:10 3: Write your first lines of CSS! Solution
- 1:11:46 4: Let’s destroy wikipedia – recording
- 1:13:43 5: Link to the CSS file
- 1:16:22 6: Set the width of the elements
- 1:18:31 7: Inline vs block elements
- 1:20:49 8: Margin top
- 1:22:05 9: Divs rule the world
- 1:24:10 10: CSS classes
- 1:28:07 11: Aside – Learn margins via flags
- 1:34:04 12: Add space between our elements
- 1:35:12 13: Aside – Centering with margins
- 1:38:39 14: Centering our content
- 1:40:01 15: Aside – padding
- 1:45:23 16: Aside – Border and border-radius
- 1:50:33 17: Aside challenge – style Twitter button
- 1:55:36 18: Fix the input field
- 2:00:22 19: Center the button
- 2:02:42 20: Style the button
- 2:07:13 21: Why we can’t have two block-level buttons
- 2:11:42 22: Aside – Flexbox
- 2:15:25 23: Centering both buttons with flexbox
- 2:18:20 24: Google clone recap
Build a Digital Business Card
- 2:20:27 1: Building your digital business card
- 2:21:00 2: Fix the image path
- 2:23:56 3: Add alt attribute
- 2:28:24 4: Make the image smaller
- 2:29:40 5: Add a border and padding
- 2:33:30 6: Aside – flexbox child containers
- 2:37:11 7: Flex item containers
- 2:38:51 8: Add a utility class
- 2:42:04 9: Justify the items
- 2:44:13 10: Center the card
- 2:46:13 11: Aside – inheritance
- 2:50:31 12: Center the text via inheritance
- 2:53:32 13: Add colors
- 2:56:57 14: Web-safe fonts
- 3:02:06 15: Aside – margin/padding shorthand
- 3:06:09 16: Use the margin & padding shorthands
- 3:07:26 17: Deploy your Digital Business Card
- 3:12:16 18: Business Card Recap
Build a Space Exploration Site
- 3:14:17 1: Let’s go to space
- 3:14:54 2: Add a background image from Unsplash
- 3:18:54 3: Center elements and Style button
- 3:22:12 4: Add a Google font
- 3:26:34 5: @font-face
- 3:28:39 6: Aside – spans
- 3:32:37 7: Add an underline using a span
- 3:34:27 8: Use an ID for the logo
- 3:38:51 9: Replace the jpg with a webp
- 3:41:25 10: Choose a color palette from an image
- 3:44:18 11: Add the terms & conditions section
- 3:48:17 12: Aside – text shadow
- 3:54:17 13: Improving the readability with text shadows
- 3:56:17 14: Space – Exploration recap
Build a Birthday GIFt Site
- 3:58:02 1: Let’s build a Birthday GIFt site
- 3:59:13 2: Add basic header styling
- 4:02:47 3: Set the colors
- 4:04:13 4: Add shadow on text
- 4:07:34 5: We have a problem that flexbox can fix
- 4:10:10 6: Aside – align-items
- 4:16:13 7: Aside – flex-direction
- 4:20:42 8: Turn the header into a flexbox
- 4:22:26 9: Fix date and age design
- 4:26:36 10: Create the first gift
- 4:31:56 11: Replace the img with a div
- 4:36:14 12: Aside – make elements change on hover
- 4:39:08 13: Add the hover effect
- 4:41:17 14: Create the next GIFt
- 4:45:39 15: Create two more GIFts
- 4:48:15 16: Create the final GIFt
- 4:51:38 17: Add the footer
- 4:55:18 18: Add a background gradient
- 4:58:46 19: Personalize the Birthday GIFt Site
- 5:00:25 20: Use GitHub Desktop to publish your Birthday GIFt Site
- 5:05:44 21: Deploying your Birthday GIFt Site
- 5:06:45 22: Use VS Code to edit your Birthday GIFt
- 5:11:36 23: GIFt site recap
Solo Project: Hometown Homepage
- 5:13:29 1: It’s time to go solo!
- 5:15:47 2: Solo Project – Hometown Homepage
- 5:19:54 3: Congrats on completing the course!
[#WebDesign #Coding] Web3 Course Walkthrough on (Rust, Blockchain Development, and Smart Contracts)
Web3 Course Walkthrough on (Rust, Blockchain Development, and Smart Contracts)
Published: Sep 21, 2022“
We just released the beta version of our new Web3 curriculum on In this video, freeCodeCamp software engineers Tom and Shaun will walk you through some of the new Web3 curriculum projects.
Learn more:…
Access the Web3 curriculum:”
[#Script #Coding] CSS Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners
CSS Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners
Published: Aug 30, 2022“
In this in-depth course, you will learn about all the key features of CSS. This is the most comprehensive CSS course we’ve published to date. So if you want to become an expert in Cascading Style Sheets, this is the course for you.
Course from Dave Gray. Check out his channel:
Course Resources:
Dave’s HTML course:
Course Contents
- (0:00:00) Intro
- (0:01:08) Chapter 1: Start Here
- (0:14:50) Chapter 2: Selectors
- (0:34:41) Chapter 3: Colors
- (0:51:13) Chapter 4: Units & Sizes
- (1:11:56) Chapter 5: Box Model
- (1:37:08) Chapter 6: Typography
- (2:00:29) Chapter 7: Styling Links
- (2:16:37) Chapter 8: List Styles
- (2:32:31) Chapter 9: Mini Project
- (2:45:04) Chapter 10: Display
- (3:00:21) Chapter 11: Floats
- (3:12:46) Chapter 12: Columns
- (3:34:30) Chapter 13: Position
- (3:57:53) Chapter 14: Flexbox
- (4:21:39) Chapter 15: Grid Layout
- (4:46:33) Chapter 16: Images
- (5:32:40) Chapter 17: Media Queries
- (5:58:59) Chapter 18: Card Project
- (6:33:21) Chapter 19: Pseudo
- (6:52:56) Chapter 20: Variables
- (7:20:28) Chapter 21: Functions
- (7:50:05) Chapter 22: Animations
- (8:37:33) Chapter 23: Organization
- (8:57:23) Chapter 24: Final Project
[#Webdesign #Coding] Web Scraping with Puppeteer & Node.js: Chrome Automation
Web Scraping with Puppeteer & Node.js: Chrome Automation
By LearnWebCode
Published: Jul 26, 2021“
My premium courses:
- 0:00 Intro
- 1:20 Installing Puppeteer
- 4:29 Taking a Screenshot
- 7:09 Scraping Text From HTML
- 15:34 Saving Images to Hard Drive
- 21:45 Clicking a Button
- 25:16 Filling Out a Form
- 30:51 Scheduling a Task to Repeat
The practice URL I’m working with in the video:…
My finished example code:…
Follow me for updates on new videos or projects:
[#Script #Coding] Instant Preview for Image Upload Applications JavaScript Tutorial
Instant Preview for Image Upload Applications JavaScript Tutorial
By Adam Khoury
Published: Jan 20, 2022“
In this video Adam demonstrates how to provide instant image preview that you can give your users in any upload applications. There may be an occasion where you want to allow the user to see or manipulate the object before it is uploaded to your server.
[#Script #Coding] NEW!! Web Developer Roadmap 2022 | Ultimate Guide To Starting A Career In Web Development
NEW!! Web Developer Roadmap 2022 | Ultimate Guide To Starting A Career In Web Development
By codeSTACKr
Published: Dec 18, 2021“
FREE 2022 Web Development Roadmap:
All of the resource links from the video are in the roadmap.
Become A VS Code SuperHero Today:
Join my Discord developer community:
“Ten++ Ways to Make Money as a Developer” eBook:
_____________________________________With so many web dev technologies and languages out there, it can be overwhelming to get started in web development. And if you are already a web developer you may find it difficult to keep up with new technology and trends. This web development roadmap will help guide you in deciding what technology and languages you should learn about in 2022 and beyond. We will cover all of the most popular languages and technology, focusing on full-stack web development. We will also look at the current trends to look out for in 2022. There’s no better time to start than now!
If you are just starting out or even thinking about starting a career in web development, look no further. This ultimate roadmap and complete guide will help you understand what you should be focusing your time on.
Tools I use:
- codeSTACKr VS Code Theme:…
- STACKr Code Font (Exclusive to my VS Code Course –
- SuperHero Extension Pack:…
- 00:00 – Intro
- 01:43 – Top Skill to Learn
- 02:29 – How The Internet Works
- 02:49 – Basic Tools
- 04:37 – Coding Languages
- 06:57 – Terminal
- 07:17 – Version Control
- 07:48 – Hosting & Deployment
- 08:25 – Front-end Developer
- 08:41 – Back-End Development with Node.js
- 09:18 – APIs
- 10:03 – Databases
- 12:13 – JavaScript Frameworks
- 13:57 – CSS Frameworks
- 14:22 – Authentication
- 14:50 – Content Management Systems (CMS)
- 15:46 – Full-stack Developer
- 16:11 – Soft Skills & Personal Development
- 16:55 – Other, Optional Tech
- 21:08 – Never Stop Learning & Never Give Up!!
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[#Script #Coding] Learn HTML – Full Tutorial for Beginners (2022)
Learn HTML – Full Tutorial for Beginners (2022)
Published: Mar 08, 2022“
Learn HTML in this complete course for beginners. This is an all-in-one beginner tutorial to help you learn web development skills. This course teaches HTML5.
Dave Gray created this course. Check out his channel:
Code: Contents
- (00:00:00) Intro
- (00:00:55) Chapter 1 – Getting Started
- (00:20:13) Chapter 2 – Head Element
- (00:29:02) Chapter 3 – Text Basics
- (00:49:45) Chapter 4 – List Types
- (00:59:55) Chapter 5 – Add Links
- (01:30:38) Chapter 6 – Add Images
- (02:00:58) Chapter 7 – Semantic Tags
- (02:24:53) Chapter 8 – Create Tables
- (02:40:42) Chapter 9 – Forms & Inputs
- (03:25:16) Chapter 10 – HTML Project
[#Webdesign #Coding] Bootstrap v5: Getting Started (Buttons, Responsive Columns, Accordion)
Bootstrap v5: Getting Started (Buttons, Responsive Columns, Accordion)
By LearnWebCode
Published: Aug 26, 2020“
0:00 Intro
1:07 Getting Started
3:09 Version 5
5:01 Basic Classes
9:28 Columns
14:08 Responsive Classes
19:16 Bootstrap JS
21:44 Opinion: Should You Use Bootstrap?Playlist for this full series:…
Follow me for updates on new episodes:
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Check out my premium courses:”
[#Script #Coding] HTML & CSS Project Tutorial – Build a Recipes Website
HTML & CSS Project Tutorial – Build a Recipes Website
Published: Sep 28, 2021“
In this HTML and CSS project tutorial, you will improve your HTML and CSS skills by building a recipes website.
- Code:
- Course from John Smilga of Coding Addict. Check out his channel:
- Starter Project video referenced in tutorial:…