Charles “Spanky” Brooks
1996 – 1999
After years of seizures, brought on by temperance shots as a puppy, the Brooks family loses one of our own today…leaving behind 5 broken hearted children.
He was originally named “Charlie” when we
got him at North Shore Animal League, but it was later changed to “Spanky” because, well, he was “Spanky”!
The burial was today at 2:15 PM. Yours truly, Cerberus, Fidget and Dot-Com were there to say goodbye to our friend. The news was broken to the children when they came home that evening.
He never made the papers for anything heroic, he never won any awards at shows…
…But that didn’t mean Spanky didn’t touch a lot of peoples lives and will be missed terribly.
The chilling sound of all of the neighborhood dogs
howling will continue throughout the night….