Memorial Day ’99

Well, the Tribe called Brooks celebrated Memorial Day and honored all the brave men and women who gave their lives in the traditional American fashion…Barbecues and watching our kids roast in the sun at a pool party in Outdoor World in Scotrun, PA.

Thanks to ICQ…the Erox Chat is back!!!!

Well, you KNOW me…

I don’t endorse anything that I don’t truly believe in…

Well, now I’m a sales associate for ICOM. The official webhost of They offer the best service at the best price…anywhere!

So if you’re interested in either getting a website, or switching from that crappy web host you have, click on the banner below.

Back to work at EG1

I put all of my CGI scripts back in, and my “vacation scripts” safely tucked away. Added 3 new links to Erox Linx, and put in “bookmarking icons” for the IE5 crowd. I also said “What the hell” and re-opened the EG1 Mall.

I forgot to mention it yesterday, but my second oldest, Ashley, was on tv yesterday. It was “bring your parent to school day” (unfortunately neither Carole, nor I, was able to make it). One of the kid’s fathers worked for a local tv station, and they filmed and broadcast the event on the evening news.


Well with the Webby Awards done, here comes the “Yang” of the awards industry…

The Mudbrick Awards announced their winners earlier this month. This is one award you don’t want to win, trust me. This is the “Worst of the Web”, announced globally, and the sites are reviewed (quite Cruelly) by the judges, who happen to be some of the most prominent men & women in CyberTown. The reviews are hysterical!

Go check it out. <more nervous laughter>

Big Los…uh winners this year are Quaker Oats, for Corporate, Gem Hosting (ironically a web design/host company) for small/medium business, and the State Of Texas for Government.

It’s needless to say, these designers (even the runner ups) are finished in the Web Design field, but let’s not let them go into the night in vain. Anyone serious in designing websites should see these sites and learn. I’ve always said that bad web designers have tought me more than my heroes, Jeffrey Zeldman, Lance Arthur & Glenn Davis ever could.

Hey everyone, miss me?

That’s ok, I didn’t miss too many of you guys either.

OK…I admit it…I couldn’t take another second away from you, my people!


Another day another Website. Putting the finishing touches on, also did logo work for Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault (LAFASA).
Kudos to schools around the country. May 17th, was scheduled to be “Blow Up Your School Day” (notice I waited till the day was over to mention it.) Had a lot of contact across the country from school officials asking for my help and any information…thanks to everyone playing it “low key”…the troublemakers were caught, and “Blow Up Your School Day” never came to pass…

Sheesh! Write one rant and suddenly I’m web spokesman against school violence?

In other news…your CyberPal has been informed last week that he will be in this year’s edition of “Who’s who in American Business” by Pinnacle Publishing…press releases are going out to all of the Pocono Newspapers in a few weeks…

Proud of me?

So loooooong suckas!!!

I have seriously burnt out!

With everything going on at home and on the site in the last few weeks. I’m taking a break from Cinco de Mayo to May 17th. All CGI QUIKFORM’s have been adjusted to inform anyone placing orders, inquiries, complaints and submitting links.

You guys have a good one, and I’ll see you all in two weeks!

Your CyberPal signing off….

Doing my weekly update early this week…

Revamped all of my pages with QUIKFORM‘s on it. So many people have been wasting my time with Logos & Layouts, that now I’m requiring phone numbers on orders, so I know they’re serious.

I had one of three options: (1) Get paid in advance (2)Take credit card numbers against the job or (3) Do away with Logos & Layouts altogether…I think taking down phone numbers beat them all out.

There’s tons of people out there, who are starting out and do it for free. Those days are over for me now. I get paid, and I get paid big bucks for what I do…

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EricBrooks.Com® is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
