Why didn’t anyone tell me an entire column on my main page didn’t show up in Netscape???
Well it’s been fixed.
The Gresser Realty website just won it’s first award…
The Real Estate Library awarded them with their “Pure Gold” award.
What's new at EricBrooks.Com plus news and gossip all over CyberTown
Old posts here from 1998 – 2003. Frankly, I’m too lazy to sort them, and I don’t think anyone cares, really.
Why didn’t anyone tell me an entire column on my main page didn’t show up in Netscape???
Well it’s been fixed.
The Gresser Realty website just won it’s first award…
The Real Estate Library awarded them with their “Pure Gold” award.
Go check out my ALL-NEW personal homepage…where NOTHING is sacred.
Let me know what you think about it…
Moved some stuff around…y’know…did stuff.
Finally fixed that sour bass note on “Baby Face” for the Brookskidz “BabyPix” segment. Yes, I do MIDI also, but with the amount of time involved, I don’t advertise it.
Warning: Regarding all of the changes made to www.ericbrooks.com… I am now optimized for Internet Explorer 4 or greater. Alot of functions don’t work under Netscape or WebTV or even IE3…they’re automatically bounced to simpler versions of the page…
Using full CSS on the services section (Web Design, Logos & Layouts, Contact)
Let me know what you think….
Made some more changes: Got rid of Source Code Trivia and my Chat Room. Put out the latest Newsletter tonight. If you want to subscribe, just scroll down to the form below.WHUZZUPDATE® now comes in HTML format.
I’ve been reeeeal busy!
Putting the finishing touches on www.gresserrealty.com, redesigning this site, working on the all-new font site, EG2, and watching the subscriptions pouring in for WHUZZUPDATE…
What…??? You haven’t subscribed yet???
See how easy that was???
Received my very first “Cease & Desist” order today.
Monotype Typography is threatening Your CyberPal with legal action if I don’t remove a list of their fonts from my font site.
Well hey, I’m not looking for trouble or anything…as you read this…
Have all been removed from my site today. |
An honest mistake on my part. These were on floppy disk when I copied my entire C:\WINDOWS\fonts folder. I had assumed that they were part of the fonts that came with Windows ’95. They may possibly be from my pre-installed Lotus Smart Suite.
Oh well live and learn. I faced legal action if these fonts were not removed by March 4th. A letter of apology is on it’s way to Monotype (who even enclosed copies of their registration certificates.)
I offer this warning to those who offer these fonts on their font site….
I have seen ZDNET offer “Impact” a number of times, which leaves me more clueless than usual…
I guess they’re just gonna mess with the little guys, huh?
However, speaking of fonts…I released my first original font today EG1 Hover
The Card Store now has the option of adding background music and/or totally customizing your card with your OWN pictures & MIDI music.
Added logo work for Pets In Heaven in TestRun.
The Latest & greatest version of The Erox Graphix Channel:
* A shockwave splash page, more details…THE WORKS!!! *
Even if you put the Erox Graphix Channel in your Microsoft Channel Guide before…
I beg of you…press this button again. It’s worth it. Get the Erox Graphix Channel!
Send a FREE Electronic Valentine card from my all-new
EG1 Card Store. I got the script running and it offers a choice of 13 pictures. The announcement will be going out in my newsletter (WHUZZUPDATE) tomorrow.
Who says I’m not a romantic???
Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.