Traditionally, I go out and order a raw bloody steak on Good Friday.
I enjoy the horrified looks of everyone around me.
Even as a Christian I did it because I’ve never seen “Thou shalt not eat meat on Good Friday” anywhere in the Bible.
I’m a rebel against tradition that way, and dammit, I love my steak.
These days, Christianity has no real bearing in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I still hold Jesus in high regard as a man of vision and wisdom, but what we see in churches would be better served as calling it “Paulianity” (and we all know how I feel about the Apostle Paul, the phony little creep.)
This weekend, as we all get bombarded with all things Jesus… ask yourself one simple question:
Why don’t the religious right want Terri Schiavo to go to Heaven?
Think about it.
Go in peace my children….
And I don’t eat meat on Friday’s during in Lent because it’s a matter of being self-denial – does that make sense?
It’s important to me, especially now, that I don’t deny myself much of anything (one of the lessons I’ve learned)
And I agree with you, dear, on the Terri Schiavo thing. Let the poor woman die with some dignity and stop prolonging her suffering…
It’s important to me, especially now, that I don’t deny myself much of anything (one of the lessons I’ve learned)
Oh yeah… these days I’m ALL about indulgence, instead of abstinence.
Life is about living and enjoying yourself, you know?
We’re not suppose to eat meat on “Good Friday”???? BIG WOOPS!!!! Mom just made a nice piece of roast beef…my mouth is watering as I type this as the aroma has taken over the house and my room smell so damn good…*DROOLING*
K, umm…maybe God will be merciful on me as am innocent here and ain’t know…*LOL* Than gain God is a merciful God…
Anyways! Have a great “GOOD FRIDAY”!!! And “HAPPY EASTER”…now do’t eat too much now…don’t ruin that sexy bod of yours with too much food *winx* (Don’t worry…tis harmless flirtting…I got nough men on me hands to be chasin after ya sexy ass!!! *LOL* Am a harmless kitten after all *smiles innocently*)
Laters Eric!!!
We’re not suppose to eat meat on "Good Friday”????
Well, if your family doesn’t follow that tradition… them I say good for them. Typically, Catholics don’t eat meat on any Friday during the time of Lent (Ash Wednesday to Good Friday), and well, us Protestants were too lazy to follow all that silly stuff, and just skip being carnivoires on Good Friday.
Avoiding the pizzeria this year, I swung by Burger King’s drivethough tonight to partake of the Holy Double Whopper w/Cheese… where I STILL had a long line to wait though.
Apparently there are more wretched sinners in the Poconos than I thought.
I like that!
And as for my body, I can eat like a pig and still maintain my perfectly flabby physique without gaining a pound. So why should I deny myself all of my artery-clogging pleasures?
“And as for my body, I can eat like a pig and still maintain my perfectly flabby physique without gaining a pound. So why should I deny myself all of my artery-clogging pleasures?”
I hear you on that 100%. Am the same way myself…I eat like a horse and still remain small and petite (aka sexy figure)…all my fat ass cousins envy me…*wicked laugh* Than gain one of them (who is younger than me) always been big as a house and just recently had a kid and funny, she put on a few more pounds…me? I never notice cuz she always been fat in my eyes…but my aunt was like “Good lord! You put on so much weight!” And this pissed off my cousin…she was like (not to my aunt but to my other cousin & me) “Duh! I just had a baby!” And I waz like (in my head)…baby or no baby…ya ass always been fat as a house…ya ass oughta go on a diet!!!
Point being…I think with some folks (i.e. my fat ass cousin) when they eat like a horse…it shows and for some of us lucky folks (i.e. you & me) we can eat like a fuckin horse and never put on so much weight that others actually notice. Me, I notice some of my clothes hang more loosely on me…which means I just recently lost alot of weight…funny I never notice nor has anyone said anything (esp my mother who never misses a thing)…*LOL* Oh, well time to buy more panties & thongs…thank god I work @ VS!!! *LOL*!!!!
“Apparently there are more wretched sinners in the Poconos than I thought.
I like that!”
Poconos is not the only place with lotta sinners…*LOOKS AT HER NEXT TOWN*…I think the town next to me is worst in that department *winx*
Anyways, I best stop bullshittin around (procrostinating on the net) and go and finish my Anne Rice Message Board (which am currently working on as it is suppose to officially open tomorrow)…take care!!!
I’m just glad to learn that dehydration and starving to death aren’t painful after all. Those starving children in Africa can screw themselves if they think they’re getting another dime from me!
I’m just glad to learn that dehydration and starving to death aren’t painful after all.
Well, I’ll be honest, I don’t like how it’s put as an “either/or” scenario. The third option is to give her something quick.and make it fast and painless. We can do it for our pets, but we can’t do it for our loved ones? Doctors are assuring us that she isn’t feeling a thing.
The hardest thing anyone can do is let a loved one go.
I don’t have a problem letting her die. I have a problem with how it’s being done. If she’s honestly not feeling any pain, hit her over the head with a frying pan and get it over with.
There are doctors who are saying that even if she was aware, that it wouldn’t be painful. To them I say bullshit. Anyone who has ever had muscle cramps from dehydration KNOWS it’s painful.
My problem with the Schiavo thing is seeing all the celebrities, just like with Elian Gonzalez, sticking their surgically modified noses where they don’t belong. I caught Patricia Heaton (Everybody Tolerates Raymond) going on and on about why Schiavo should live. What connection does she have to them at all? I would love to be a celebrity, distant from the real world, and giving everyone my “expert opinion” on how it should be run.
I don’t have a problem letting her die. I have a problem with how it’s being done.
As do I. I don’t see a feeding tube as life support, as babies need someone to feed them as well. I think this is a rather cruel way to do it (Where’s Dr. Kevorkian when you need him?). My point of the remark, is all the religious people fighting to prolong her life…. well, don’t they believe she’d have a better existence in heaven? Where’s their faith here?
I feel for all the parties involved, but in all reality I refuse to get myself caught up in this drama if I don’t have to. If this has taught us anything, we should all go out and get a Living Will first thing Monday morning..
What connection does she have to them at all?
Exactly. This is between the Shiavos, the Schindlers, and the hospice.
I remember when this controversy first began to get partisan and some guy was asking “Why doesn’t someone like Susan Sarandon start a candellight vigil for her???”. I thought to myself “What a wonderful idea… why doesn’t THIS guy do it, since he suggested it?”
Traditionally, I go out and order a raw bloody steak on Good Friday.
That’s a pleasantly indulgent Tradition, Eric. Me, I’ve just made it a habit to hand out shiny new nails to the street preachers. That and a cheery recommendation that “If it’s good enough for God, it’s good enough for the Godly.” I like your custom *much* better.
As to why the Holy Rollers don’t want Terry What’s-Her-Name to go to Heaven: I think they do. Eventually. But right now they’re gaining so much free publicity and generating so much attention to themselves by holding her hostage on a metaphorical “Ellis Island of the Soul” that they’re definitely in no hurry to give her a celestial green card. And anyhoo … how many Holy Rollers has anyone ever met that were themselves anxious to get into Heaven? Like retiring to “that little chicken farm in the country,” they all seem to dream about it constantly but insist that doing so “next year” is far more desirable than doing so right now.
I’ve just made it a habit to hand out shiny new nails to the street preachers.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love it.