Now someone actually *WORTH* talking about is Kat FROM My Single Mom Life. (found via Maria)
“This is not your typical cyber beggar site as I actually need real help. I’m not asking anyone to pay off my debt or buy me new boobs or a diamond engagement ring. I am asking for help while I get the necessary treatments and possible surgery for my back.”
A good friend has set up a site for her called HelpKat.Com.
She suffers FROM scoliosis. All she’s simply asking for is help FROM the community to keep her utilities and other bills afloat as she undergoes surgery on her spine (she’s in a lot of pain). She works as a waitress. She’s on her feet all day. She’s always carrying stuff. She’s always bending. This will be impossible for a while after the surgery.
She’s asking for our help. She’s a sweetheart and deserves our help. I’ve also known Kat long enough to know she’s a very proud single mom who’d rather continue to suffer than take a handout FROM strangers. So obviously her situation has gotten *very serious* for this site to have been made.
Money’s tight for a lot of people. I know that. But $5 here and there FROM a LOT of people can really add up, and make a big difference fast. Can you at least spread the word?
You sir are wonderful.
yes he is rah.
*hugs* eric.
I came by to agree with the ladies!! You rock E!! {{{Hugs}}}
Sounds like a good cause to me, and I’ll spread the word when I get my mess back together at dailee. I’ll also chip in a buck or two when the hubby brings me a paycheck. Thanks for letting us know!
I’m BLUSHING here!!!!!!
Nah, I think it’s a great thing you did Rah. I’m always worrying about Kat and her condition… lemme run over to Maria’s and see if she got any buttons ready.
Sorry E, no buttons yet. I had a really long and awful day at work. I will make some tomorrow though, I promise!!
Y thanks -e-, I really don’t like that kinda of attention i usually prefer to be anonymous. Oh well i’ll be gracious instead.
Please make sure that gets submitted for this year’s Blogger Boobie-Thon. More info here:
Let’s see…90 for the steaming, 230 for the pumping….that makes, carry the 2, …ok, I can donate a little bit to a very worthy cause. I would be honored. I also have scoliosis and know how painful it can be, and I can’t believe she’s working as a waitress with that condition. OH, what we do for our children, huh? Thanks, ‘e’.
Ok, I dood it. After 30 mins. on the phone, laced with heavy condescension from the other end, I got back in “PlayPen” finally, after 3 mos. of trying, and changed my password to shit, accordingly. I hope he gets it, that there are others of us out there in cyberworld that have problems with their system, not just stoopid ol’ me. “22 million satistfied customers” my ass.
I hope kat gets fixed. That’s the main thing, keep my eye on the prize. (Stop gripin’ Kate.) Must be Monday. phhhutzzbutt.