In other news…

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It seems the dispute below has been dealt with…
Pages have been taken down, and certain comments were asked to be removed…

So before I’m accused of being a “ghoul” or a “vulture” (It’s okay when *I* say it. When YOU say it… it’s WRONG!), time to move on.

In other news: I found the terminator for my scanner. It’s been missing since I moved in April.


While it looks like a DONGLE (in it’s thickness and fatness, and the fact that you stick it in the rear of a port.). It is NOT a DONGLE, it is a TERMINATOR.

Everyone see the distinction?

Lotsa pics are on the way….
(No not of me “plugging” the rear of a port… this is a FAMILY-ORIENTED site, you dirty little monkeys… I’m talking about pics in a scanner! YEESH!)

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5 thoughts on “In other news…

  1. Anarchtica: Where I turn for all my dongle news.
    I think you need a photo gallery of various dongles. And a page of dongle jokes. Think of the hit potential there….

  2. I think it’s great… thank you SO MUCH for this warped idea! When I get a spare chance I also figured out my obsession with Pecan Pie (no, you really don’t want to know.)

  3. I leave the dongle dealing to my husband, while I handle the gimlets, harps and other such goodies.

    The Pecan Pie thing, however, I completely understand. It’s the Kayro Syrup.

  4. I think of lots of reasons for Pecan Pie, but I think it’s perhaps best left to a qualified therapist to work with you, E.

    Hey, careful handling those gimlets, Sherri…

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