Yes. “HECKLING DAY” is finally here, kiddies! Nothing spreads lots of cheer, readership and lotsa hits like a good meme. Here is your chance to hit comments all over CyberTown and cause chaos and mayhem wherever you go… and drive your hit counters through the roof.
What is heckling day?
What, are you stupid or something? What part of “Heckling” + “Day” don’t you understand?
OBJECTIVE: To go INTO every comment box you can, heckle the shit out of them, and try to run them off their blog by posting the following comment:
You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
Tons of people will go back to your blog to to try and figure out what the hell your problem is. New readers. Think about it.
What if I’ve been heckled?
Are you gonna take that crap FROM some troll??? HECKLE ‘EM BACK!!!
What if it’s a sad post, like the death of a pet or something?
Post it twice. They may not be paying attention in their time of sadness.
My spouse doesn’t understand me…
Don’t you have some comments to hit??? SHOO! SCRAM!!!
EricBrooks.Com® – When it comes to Baiting, he is truly the Master™
You have been officially been heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
You have been officially been heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
You have been officially been heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
Screw you hippie! You’re gettin heckled back! I know I suck, and I’m told I’m quite good at it, so next time you should try not to compliment me
If you’re trying to kill me,then it’s working ! LMAO !
Every day is heckling day for TGO why should today be different
Well, today is like “Christmas” to me, dude!
Hahahah, how funny!
You have been officially been heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
You have been officially been heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
So neener, neener, neener!
You have been officially been heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
And I’ll MST your posts, too. >:)
and since TGO humiliated his last mark its time to move on and make fun of someone new.
that was heckling? my cat could heckle better than that, dude.
but nice try
Hi Liz (Jeez… everyone’s a critic!) :0)
Cool TGO! Now is this someone we can both hate, or are you just gonna hog up all the fun again? (Some people just need to learn to share. Sheesh!) :0)
You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
Now you know I couldn’t let you get away with it ~ *smile*
you probably wont like who TGO picks next. usually the weak are the best to humiliate.(ie: the last person)
That the best you can do, sucka? Call that a heckle. Sheesh. Kids today.
Man… tough crowd tonite.
I’ve got yer heckle right here, pal.
You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
And the comment not FROM work…
I might suck, but I also swallow

You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
clearly, suebailey wins. hell, there wasn’t even a contest, and she won.
but I was always taught it was rude. How about a kiss instead ?
I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
*insert really original idea to paste the heckle you came up with BACK in a comment to your own post after you heckled me!!!* (it’s fun to watch the confusion when people have no HTML in their comments).
Seriously, dude. This is stupid.
Get off my lawn, you crazy kids!!
You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
Gu whey!!! (translates INTO : Go away!) AAaaarrrgggghhh! Do not come back to heckle me , or I will be forced to do something drastic, sucker! >:-[
Well, I like to be different.
I’m here to heckle you back with some of the most awful Jamaican bad words I can conjure up!
Don’t come to mi bombo claat blog and write any rassclaat comment like the little pussyclaat heckle foolishness you did today. If you don’t stop I am coming back to dust out you blood claat! Don’t mess wid dis rasshole. Awoah!

Have a irie heckling day bredren!
You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
It seems to work, drove me over here through the person that did it to me!
See, Desiree? And now we’re all coming over to see what a nice site you have. :0)
Behold the power of heckling!!!
HEY!!!! Is this your meme, or are you eating a banana?? Wait a minute…… Why did E cross the road? To get to the Mental Institution!!! mmmwwwaaaaahhhhhh!!!! Yuk yuk!! Heckle heckle!
Have fun you wild and crazy guy! :op
Heckle This Baby! *wink*
You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
well, dude, you hitmonger, it worked… here i am. :p my wife says she’d like to meet you — and i would start looking over my shoulder if i were you… the hit’s been let… after reading through these comments, i laughed so hard that i hurt myself…
Oh man!!!!
Rough crowd this morning, too! :0)
Eric, you think you’re quite the wit – and you’re half-right. But the truth of the matter is that you havn’t had a funny bone in your body since I shtupped you during one of your transgender barfly ‘episodes’. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Your biggest problem is that you’re fascinated by the word ‘meme’. Eric, cash a reality CHECK and buy a clue: there aren’t any spaces in the word and isn’t pronounced “ME! ME!’ while gesticulating wildly at yourself, ‘kay? Just a friendly hint FROM your pal Al.
You shall be trapped in the same room with Stephen Wolfram and listen to his ponderous discoveries for all eternity. You shall remain naked, exposed to the cold of space, alive until the end of the universe by entropy increase. Your hamster will slowly devour your balls, your goat will close its sphincter cutting your penis, your dog will stop lapping you and instead leave horrible nail marks in your back. You will be branded part of the Coalition of the Willing AND the Axis of Evil, and even Saldman Rushie will hate you. You will give advice to Bill Gates on how to destroy Linux, thus ensuring being hated by the CLU, the EFF, BoingBoing and Gates himself when your plan falls through. Your meme will became famous and you will be slashdotted to a coma, only to wake up to horrible bandwith bills. Happy Thursday.
May you be doomed to endlessly see lame SARS art and link it on your website! You festering french fry dipped in the tepid oil of annoyance. I shall break you! Until not even the ghettos of geocities are worthy of your feeble forays INTO html hell. They shall turn you away. Yes! They would rather host the musings of mollusks than let your wretched writing appear on their servers! Avast your surfing! Avast your weblog sailing! I’ve got your Heckle right here!, ARGH!
*heckle heckle poke smack mock heckle heckle*
Booo!! Hiss!!
I have to go to the bathroom now…
I’ll try to think up an original heckle while I’m in there.
Or my fav…..
May you ass crack itch and your arms be too short to help yourself
Awwwwww my grandma blogs better than you, ya poser.. and she uses Blogger!! Get off the blog before I have ya yanked off it!!!
Seems some folks don’t know how to take a joke, E. Good thing for you that the majority of us do.
And I would turn this INTO a rant, but I have no blog in which to do it. Thank goodness, huh? lol …
Anyway, I thank you for remembering your old pal on IHD. Made me feel quite loved.
You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
Sara, that is EVIL!
Seems some folks don’t know how to take a joke, E. Good thing for you that the majority of us do.
All in all, I think everyone’s HAVING a good time. I had one person threaten to ban my IP (good luck, I’m on dialup), but I already know that person had something hard, scaly, and stick-like up their ass to begin with.
I don’t know what happened to all the comments, but Davezilla CREAMED me in his comments it was HILARIOUS!
Rass, dis comment box a buss at the seams! Many good comments above!
All in good fun, folks. Heckling (and counter-heckling) is an artform. It’s supposed to get a little rough. Like this:
“Eric, did your mother have any children that lived?”
See, isn’t that easy?
LOL!!! You da man, Alwin!
(No matter what half the web thinks of you! BWAAAAA!!!!)
I have been laughing my ass off over all these comments all day! Even if no one else is HAVING fun, I sure am… and well, I’m the one who counts.
You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.
There – heckled back – and just in time, too!
I do suck, but I’ve never had any complaints before *g*,
What’s not to understand?
lousy jerk even memes like a loser. get off your blog! BOOO HISSSSS…
(thought i’d heckle back, although i’m lightyears late. xoxo)
You have been officially heckled on International Heckling Day.
No, you were heckled. Do not try to come back with something clever, or I shall return to heckle you some more.