Links Page

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It took long enough, but I finally have something up in my links section. When I surf blogs, I’ll be coming through here… idiots that come there via their referrals will look REALLY stupid, and I will direct people to point and laugh at them.

I also need to add a “personal website” (you know, non-weblog?) section, as I’ve gotten emails FROM a lot of old friends that haven’t heard FROM me since my last newsletter in 2001… as well as “Celebrity” home pages, really cool famous people I’ve met either in person or through the web…

In tying all this together, I got a newsletter last night FROM the ever so stunning Lisa Whelchel, who has a new book on home schooling out.

So I write back, “Hey Lisa, remember me?”, and enclose the photo below. It’s when I met her back in May of ’83, at the place my friends and I lovingly refer to as “The Cult” (see?).

Me and Lisa - 1983

The only picture I have with her, and I look like a TOTAL FREAKIN’ DORK!!!! (What’s up with my teeth? And I think I’m caught here pick-pocketing what’s in her sweatjacket. I’m not sure.)

It is now dawning on me that this picture is FROM 20 years ago, this month… She’s still hot-looking, and I suddenly feel very old, and as dorky as ever.

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21 thoughts on “Links Page

  1. *blush* Crush? Wha? Who said I have a crush on Lisa??? I didn’t say that!!! Stop it!!!
    *tickles Deb to get her to stop saying that*

  2. Eric is a cutey! Eric is a cutey! I squealed with delight, seeing all your pictures. And she’s still hot (what is it about actresses that they never seem to age?)
    You are a musician, too? Do you still play? What a cool post! I learned a lot of new thangs ’bout a cool kid. Yay.

  3. Lisa Whelchel from the “Facts of Life”. She was a friend of our pastor’s so she came and visited us in Brooklyn a few times.

    She must be either a great actress or really, really brave… even Meadowlark Lemon and this group of Christian muscle men called “The Power Team” was scared shitless while visiting our church in the inner city! :0)

  4. Oh Kate… Eric *was* a cutey (past tense). You can ask Faith or Patrick, I look like death warmed over now, or at least on a good day I do. (It’s not the age… it’s the mileage. But you did my widdle heart a lot of good!)

    I’m done with my music, but my page on MP3.Com lives on…

  5. Well duh. I remember that show and now I recognize her. That was actually one of my favorite shows back then. Further proof of my mind being gone, gone with the wind.

  6. Why yes I do, and I’m fixing to bake her first birthday cake. Strawberry, yummy! But I’m not the only one with a birthday in the family, hmm?

  7. Well I might not be “Blair” from the Facts Of Life, but I am trying to get a “legs” page together for just you darlin’ *S* haven’t been around visiting in a while and thought I’d try and catch up….HI *waves* as usual the blog keeps me in stiches

  8. LMAO!! That’s some funny shit!! I’d never seen you before Eric!! Pretty cute stuff!! I need to see what you look like now!

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