Mother’s Day Weekend Pt. II

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Actually, this is a paid public service announcement to all married men:

Did you notice this week you were given an awfully large amount of money to take to work for “lunch” in the past few days? Have you noticed a similar pattern during her birthday? When your anniversary was coming up?

You were supposed to buy her a gift.

Yeah, I know she said: “Oh honey, I don’t want anything…really.”

(Please bookmark this entry next time you find yourself on the couch, and you don’t know why.)

EricBrooks.Com® – Giving it to you straight, because women punish us for not being mindreaders, you know. (Hey don’t look at me, I remembered… uhm… after the Salad Bar at Ruby Tuesdays!)

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4 thoughts on “Mother’s Day Weekend Pt. II

  1. Rethinking the whole legs web page for you ~ not ALL women are that way ~ me being the bitchy “Queen” that I am ~ I removed all debt cards FROM hubby this week ~ when asked what I wanted for mother’s day ~ I stated ~ peace and quiet and everyone gone!!!! That is what I’m getting ~ hubby is going to spend Mother’s Day with his mother and she gets to enjoy her grandkids… myself and I………giving the neighbors a cheap thrill ~ weather permitting ~ laying on my float nakkid with drink and book in hand *S*……Thank God for Mother’s Day!!!!

  2. *thud* (sound of jaw hitting the floor)

    Don’t punish me ‘cuz I’m whipped…
    I’m like, one of your biggest fans…

    *makes boo boo face*

  3. Way to go, Jamie! Floating nekkid in a pool, with a book!
    Eric, I bet after her day of soaking in the sun, come Father’s Day, she’ll have a special surprise for you! If I was 10 or 20 years younger, I’d consider a leg shot. How ’bout a toe shot? Or an elbow? I know! A full moon. Cuz in Alaska, they’re very big…*giggle*

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