Mr. McGhee, don’t make me angry…

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I guess in light of tonight being the premiere of “The Hulk“, and inspired by many posts by pops on the subject…

Perhaps I should shamelessly re-plug my 3D flash movie:


The First Episode of The Super Dudes“Incredible, Ain’t it?”

Maybe with a big enough pep talk, I’ll get around to making the second installment, where Captain America talks to kids in an inner-city school about drugs?

No. Nothing is sacred to me. Why do you ask?

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5 thoughts on “Mr. McGhee, don’t make me angry…

  1. Hooo! That “pops” is one funny dude. And he can write with great dry wit. He’s so dry, I needed body lotion after.
    No comments, though. I hate it when my compulsion to gush is corked.
    (“The Hulk looked like he was installing a bathroom fan.” Hahahaha!)

  2. Ok, TAAAAAAMMIE :0)

    That explains the lack of posts. I thought that site was eventually being put aside for the kids. New link updated, sweetie.

  3. Brooksie – you sumbee-yatch – finally a link FROM somebody I can respect! And exactly two more comments on my blog than I got all of last year!

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