Loony Dot Org, one of the greatest sites ever created, is being threatened with extinction under ICAAN’s new proposition to revoke “.org” TLD’s at will.
This is completely unacceptable. I need that site to keep me laughing my ass off during the hard times. John is a frigging genius. Hell, if Zeldman considers me the “Don Rickles” of the web… then John is the web’s answer to “George Carlin”…. hands down.
There are lots of “org” sites that are being threatened, like… like…
Well, Loony Dot Org is the only one worth a damn, but you get my point. Get involved!
Upcoming projects…
- It only took a year, but a brand new “E-TV” is set to be released. Make sure your RealPlayer™ is up to date… you don’t want to miss this!
- The Tribe called Brooks’ latest ordeal has been written as a sequel to “A Holiday Wish”. It’s a six-page story called: “The Last One Out...”