Don’t know when it happened, but sometime early this morning visitor #1,000,000 came strolling in!!!!
Don’t believe me? Scroll down to the bottom of the page and see for yourself.
Well, whoever you are (you probably don’t know because the counter is invisible through most of the site)… I have a prize for you: One can of TURTLE WAX!!!… yeah bay-bee!!!!!
Special thanks to: Tucows Interactive, Cathie Walker, Mark Connell, George Carlin, Matt Haughey, and the gazillions of friends with portals and personal pages that have linked to me.
A “Thanks for nothing” to the so-called and self-proclaimed “Independent Design Community”… ass-kissing was never my style anyway, and it turns out I didn’t need your clique after all. Losers. :0)
And an EXTRA-SPECIAL thanks to each and every one of you reading this for all your love and support in the past two years. I love each and every one of you, and just want to share a simple little tip for *your* success:
- Know your audience…
- Give ’em what they want, with no strings attached…
- Always support your friends… that’s where the hits and reciprocal links come from.
Thanks guys,
PS: Kendra redesigned Structured Ramblings… and it’s ASS-KICKING
Congratulations Eric!
Eric! Wow!!! That’s so very cool! Congrats and keep up the good work
yeah, and how many of those "million hits" were you reloading your page so you could see your own picture?
Heh heh… good one beetle!
Only a couple hundred a week, why?
Congrats eric! You must tell me all your secrets at achieving that now
BrooksKidz, Soapbox,
Fonts, 8-ball.
gOdOfMiScHeIf made them all.
Former rock star
(what? no glove?)
Thanks us all and sends his love.
We watched the counter
Add up stats.
Hits: 1 million!!!
Wow! – congrats!
I hate to mention,
But I have to ax …
I think it was me.
Where’s the wax?