We’re experiencing a few, uhm, technical difficulties.
I thought I came up with a foolproof formula for fairness, rather than elect people I don’t know or can’t trust… I didn’t want to rip off BobtheCorgi’s concept of a “Panel of Judge”.
So I employed four of my alternate personalities for the job.
The site has hit its first SCANDAL… it’s been tainted by idiots.
It was supposed to be a simple, well… I, I..
Here… Look:

I don’t know what to do here, scrap these categories, scrap the awards, dim the lights and do shadow puppets explaining the concept of C-R-I-T-E-R-I-A?
Bear with me gang, I need a little more time.
And it’s not because everyone is beating me in that first category either.
**// UPDATE: Michele has withdrawn FROM the “Best blog by a Norwegian guy who everyone thinks is photoshopped.” category.
This is becoming a nightmare!!!!!
(That’s ok, toots… Wil Wheaton was beating you anyway. Afraid of a widdle competiiiiiiitiiiiiion?)
I didn’t know about this until I seen Phil winning a pickle award for his site.Then I knew it was that time again.I can’t believe someone would give him an award.Anyway,good luck !
Admit it…you’re a closet Wil lover too. If you won’t admit it, your alter personalities will…
I’m thinking Wil is a secret enjoyer of good humored teasing like this, somehow. At least he has a sense of humor. Well, in theory.
Meanwhile I vote for shadow puppets – only because I want to see how you’ll pull that off in a blog!
So is she licking the golden thumb there? Seem’s like the Golden Finger awards has its uses.
One of these clowns is fucking around with the results… and pissing me off!
(I have no proof, but a pretty good idea which one it is!)
So is she licking the golden thumb there?
EEEEW! OMG, I think she is!!! Well, between you and me… knowing her, Boffo the clown and Rik Havyk, I kinda recommend any winners may want to consider WASHING their award off before taking them home.
There may or may not be other pictures of it’s uses, but this IS a family oriented site, you know.
LOL! Hee! *Shakes head…*
I think you’ve finally gone off the deep end…
Does the award come with batteries?
Damned Wil!! I KNEW he had PLANS for that finger err… award the minute I saw it!! It figures!! ;o)
That dongle looks incredibly guilty to me….
Excuse me. It was “Best Blog by a Person Who Most Resembles -E-” that I withrdrew from. For obvious reasons.
I am very scared.
With a category just for “Problem Adults” alone… Everyone should be…
OMG! What about a warning before you post hilarious dangerous content!? You made me spill a whole damn coffee here, yes you even made me spray coffee all over the screen, coffee is still dripping out my nose as I write.
“Does the award come with batteries?”
Isn’t the finger a little bit small to use for whatever?
Hmm, maybe the finger is fine for something, so I withdraw my question, cause I was thinking like a photoshopped gay when I wrote it.
I’m just about ready to unroll it…
Nico, allow me to help you clean up that coffee. Promise not to use my hands.
Sure Faith, and I just remembered I’ve also spilled coke and water and I’m sure I can spill more! ;o)