I lived a pretty fun life.
For all intents and purposes, it’s over (Hell, according to the Death Clock, I died back in the late 90’s). So, being bored out of my wits lately, the question is… “CAN I die?”
There’s this one turn I take on the way home. It’s sharp around the mountain and I aim straight for it at 70 MPH (If a cop is reading this, that was a typo. I meant to type “25 MPH” like the sign posted says).
Just beyond the metal divider is this ravine… straight down.
Each night I think to myself “This is it….”
… closer….
…… “Here we go”
…. *deep breath. Braces myself* ….
Then, this reflex comes out of nowhere… my body jerks and I suddenly defy the laws of physics and make the turn.
Someone (or something) wants me to live.
I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s something cruel and evil.
I’ll try skydiving with my hands duct taped with boxing gloves on next. Let’s see what happens to me there. *neener*
E, ya gotta take it easy! Life comes, life goes, but we want, no, NEED you here to make sure it goes on. Luv ya, Babe!
Sounds like somebody needs a vacation! :-*
I know, I know… I just get a thrill out of doing stupid things just to see if I can get away with it.