Peace on Earth… And good will toward everyone.
Wow. Thank you all for your wonderful words of support. I have a few of my own but for a *small* minority of people (I’ll have a bigger better list for New Years):
- To , , and my new CyberPal, : I pray for your continued health, so I may hear from you all through 2001….
- To , who are celebrating their first Christmas in years… ENJOY!
- To Three Ghosts of Christmas Capitalism“, I wish you much success in the next year… and it’s okay to make money on the web, y’know (Didn’t you see “South Park” last night?). , who will be visited tonight by the “
- To , , , , , and , who have also had it rough this year… hang in there. 2001 will KICK ASS!!!!
- To , , , and Ken Price… your words of encouragement are always a comfort, and your wisdom always welcome.
- To , wherever you are, I pray all is well with you, my friend…
- … it’s been a blast (and all in good fun, right?)!
Ashley… Mommy & Daddy love you and will see you tomorrow.
And most of all…
I know I left out a ton of important people, but it’s time to turn off the computer, and have Christmas…