- Amber, who redesigned her site, and it’s faster loading and better-looking than ever…
Not no mention the resemblance to your Holli, and my Christina is uncanny (and the story about their biological fathers almost identical). - Just as I vowed that you would never know who the President was, until I returned from my latest crisishiatus… you’ll never see WHUZZUP! in English again, until Patti tells me what the heck “i miei amici favoriti del blog ” means, and in what language.
MiScHiEf of the week: You know where it says ” – Microsoft Internet Explorer” waaaay up top in your toolbar? Well, I altered my Windows registry and changed it to
“Eric Brooks is SO DAMN CUTE!!!”…
Well, to make a long story sorta unbearable, I was visiting one of my favorite redhead’s sites, and uh… well, Carole walked in to see this, and uh… she kinda got the wrong idea:
Carole REEEEEEALLY wants to have a talk with this young lady…. (oopsie!)