A Day in the Life of freeCodeCamp U.S. Staff (A rare in-person meeting)
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Mar 07, 2023“
This web programming course from Harvard University picks up where CS50x leaves off. It dives more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap. Topics include database design, scalability, security, and user experience. You will learn how to write and use APIs, create interactive UIs, and leverage cloud services like GitHub and Heroku.
Slides, source code, and more at
https://cs50.harvard.edu/web/2020/Brian Yu teaches this course.
Watch the original CS50x course: https://youtu.be/8mAITcNt710
Course Contents
- (00:00:29) Introduction
- (00:02:42) Lecture 0: HTML, CSS
- (02:06:14) Lecture 1: Git
- (02:59:29) Lecture 2: Python
- (04:07:10) Lecture 3: Django
- (05:46:15) Lecture 4: SQL, Models, and Migrations
- (07:40:21) Lecture 5: JavaScript
- (09:31:46) Lecture 6: User Interfaces
- (11:12:01) Lecture 7: Testing, CI/CD
- (12:45:59) Lecture 8: Scalability and Security
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
Tag: api
[#Script #Coding] Use ChatGPT to Build a RegEx Generator – OpenAI API Low Code Course
Use ChatGPT to Build a RegEx Generator – OpenAI API Low Code Course
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Mar 30, 2023“
Learn how to build a dashboard that generates RegEx using the OpenAI API and a low code tool called Retool. The dashboard allows users to input a string, write a description of the desired RegEx, and generate the code to transform the string accordingly.
You can find the iframe code here: https://github.com/kubowania/regex-openai
This course was created by @AniaKubow.
Retool provided a grant to make this course possible. Learn more about Retool: https://retool.com
- (0:00) Introduction
- (2:36) Writing our own regex code
- (5:06) Creating the header element
- (8:11) Creating the text area
- (11:35) How to create a custom code editor
- (16:32) Creating the new button
- (19:08) Setting up the sidebar
- (20:58) Configuring the open api api
- (22:51) The body of the example example
- (24:58) Setting up the code
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
[#Script #Coding] 3 Ways to Code a BuzzFeed Clone (JavaScript + TypeScript + JSONServer + Database + API + Node.js)
3 Ways to Code a BuzzFeed Clone (JavaScript + TypeScript + JSONServer + Database + API + Node.js)
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Feb 08, 2023“
Learn how to build a Buzzfeed Clone in JavaScript, followed by a version in React using JSON server for mimicking an API, and then build a TypeScript Buzzfeed Clone with a mini backend using Node.js to communicate with a Database.
Final code:
https://github.com/kubowania/bu…Course developed by @AniaKubow
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
[#Script #Coding] ChatGPT Clone – OpenAI API and React Tutorial
ChatGPT Clone – OpenAI API and React Tutorial
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Jan 18, 2023“
Learn how to use React and the OpenAI API to create an application like ChatGPT. The application can answer our questions, convert the text into different languages, or even convert JavaScript code to Python.
OpenAI API: https://beta.openai.com/
Course developed by @CybernaticoByNishant
ChatGPT with React: https://github.com/nishant-666/ChatGPT-React
OpenAI with React: https://github.com/nishant-666/Dall-E-API-with-ReactContents
- (0:00) Introduction
- (4:01) Importing configuration and api keys
- (11:27) Creating the input and button
- (16:09) How to create an image
- (23:32) Getting the api key from the console
- (28:48) Setting up the menu items
- (36:14) Hovering options in the options
- (41:03) Importing the translated component
- (48:47) Setting options in a file
- (53:30) Finishing main function
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
[#Script #Coding] Speech Recognition in Python Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners
Speech Recognition in Python Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Jun 08, 2022“
Learn how to implement speech recognition in Python by building five projects. You will learn how to use the AssemblyAI API for speech recognition.
Code: https://github.com/AssemblyAI-Examples…
Course created by Misra Turp & Patrick Loeber. They post regularly on the AssemblyAI YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AssemblyAI
Course Contents
- (0:00:00) Introduction
- (0:01:37) Audio Processing Basics
- (0:26:37) Speech Recognition in Python
- (0:52:48) Sentiment Classification
- (1:09:58) Podcast Summarization Web App
- (1:40:21) Real-time Speech Recognition + Voice Assistant
[#Script #Coding] Microservice Architecture and System Design with Python & Kubernetes – Full Course
Microservice Architecture and System Design with Python & Kubernetes – Full Course
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Nov 08, 2022“
Learn about software system design and microservices. This course is a hands-on approach to learning about microservice architectures and distributed systems using Python, Kubernetes, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, mySQL.
Course from Kantan Coding. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel…
Kubernetes API Reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs…
- (0:00:00) Intro
- (0:01:02) Overview
- (0:02:47) Installation & Setup
- (0:10:16) Auth Service Code
- (0:32:25) Auth Flow Overview & JWTs
- (0:53:04) Auth Service Deployment
- (0:56:08) Auth Dockerfile
- (1:20:05) Kubernetes
- (1:37:26) Gateway Service Code
- (1:42:34) MongoDB & GridFs
- (1:47:04) Architecture Overview (RabbitMQ)
- (1:49:50) Synchronous Interservice Communication
- (1:50:49) Asynchronous Interservice Communication
- (1:53:19) Strong Consistency
- (1:54:07) Eventual Consistency
- (2:19:16) RabbitMQ
- (2:21:16) Gateway Service Deployment
- (2:35:34) Kubernetes Ingress
- (2:46:28) Kubernetes StatefulSet
- (2:51:18) RabbitMQ Deployment
- (3:09:35) Converter Service Code
- (3:33:43) Converter Service Deployment
- (4:21:09) Checkpoint
- (4:22:11) Update Gateway Service
- (4:31:46) Notification Service Code
- (4:43:24) Notification Service Deployment
- (4:51:55) Sanity Check
- (5:05:54) End
- https://www.mongodb.com/docs/
- https://www.rabbitmq.com/documentation.html
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azur…
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/…
- https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/…
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news”
[#Script #Coding] Build API Powered Dashboards – MongoDB, Discord and Mail API
Build API Powered Dashboards – MongoDB, Discord and Mail API
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Jun 24, 2022“
Build an API powered marketing dashboard using a low code approach. You will learn how to use Appsmith to easily create many tools that startups need. The dashboard will incorporate MongoDB, the SMTP API, and the Discord web hook.
Ania Kubów created this course. Check out her channel: https://www.youtube.com/aniakubow
Appsmith Github repo: https://GitHub.com/Appsmithorg/Appsmith
This course was made possible by a grant from Appsmith. Learn more about Appsmith: https://www.appsmith.com/
Course Contents
- (0:00:00) Introduction
- (0:01:34) Getting started with Appsmith
- (0:10:56) Connected to MongoDB
- (0:23:00) Adding data to Appsmith app
- (0:57:08) Create send messages page
- (1:27:56) Show different marketing lists
- (1:51:36) Implementing Discord web hook
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
And subscribe for new videos on technology every day: https://youtube.com/subscription_cent…
[#Script #Coding] Low-Code for Freelance Developers & Startups – Tutorial
Low-Code for Freelance Developers & Startups – Tutorial
By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Apr 13, 2022“
Low-code is a software development approach that requires little coding in order to build applications. It is made possible through a low-code platform. Learn how to use low code tools and APIs to build a customer support dashboard. You will learn how create the dashboard using the Appsmith platform, Google Sheet API, and the Stripe API.
Ania Kubów created this course. Check out her channel: https://www.youtube.com/aniakubow
This course was made possible through a grant from Appsmith. Learn more about Appsmith: https://www.appsmith.com/
Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news
And subscribe for new videos on technology every day: https://youtube.com/subscription_cent…”
[#Tutorial] Getting Started With The #JavaScript Web Animation API
From Tutorialzine –Getting Started With The JavaScript Web Animation API:
Adding animations to web interfaces makes pages and apps feel more responsive and interactive. A side menu that smoothly slides out of view provides a much better user experience then a menu that just disappears when you close it. So far creating web animations was done either via CSS transitions, CSS keyframes, or an external library such as Animate.css or Velocity. Thanks to a new native JavaScript API, we are now able to freely animate any HTML element without ever having to leave our .js file.”