From Cracked: All Posts –We Were Nearly Killed By Modern Day Witch Hunters:
By Amanda Mannen | May 26, 2017 | In the Western world, witch hunting has mostly gone the way of leeching and dumping tea in the harbor — that is, only used as a political metaphor. In other parts of the world, though, honest-to-God, torch-and-pitchfork witch hunting is still a thing. In Africa, 55 percent of people believe in witchcraft, up to 95 percent in some areas. In theory, that’s not a huge deal — a farmer will go to a shaman to get a protection charm to keep his cattle safe, that sort of thing. But it stops being fun the moment an angry mob accuses you of being a witch. Just ask “Steve”, a Peace Corps volunteer who, through a calamitous chain of events, found himself naked, filthy, and exhausted, being hunted by an angry mob …