[#Money #Success] 15 Life Lessons From Jewish People

15 Life Lessons From Jewish People

By Alux.com
Published: Jun 24, 2022

Alux.com 15 Life Lessons From Jewish People

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15 Reasons Why JEWISH People Are RICHER: https://youtu.be/GeSrp-7TYGY


  • 00:00 – Intro
  • 00:33 – Family comes first
  • 01:15 – Community
  • 02:00 – Value of money
  • 03:08 – Higher Education
  • 03:54 – No publicity needed
  • 05:00 – Honest practices
  • 05:52 – From generation to generation
  • 06:37 – Love accepts all
  • 07:12 – Find a suitable partener
  • 07:49 – Wedding traditions
  • 08:42 – Making things last
  • 09:29 – Pride
  • 10:05 – Humor
  • 11:11 – Finding the light
  • 11:58 – Resilience

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