Who is this guy, and why do I love him so?
I mean, I’m talking “I-wanna-have-his-baby”-kinda love here…
Well, you see… once upon a time Wayne Newton owned Tamiment. It’s more than just a golf course, it brought then–unknown stars like Imogene Coca, Carol Burnett, Woody Allen, Shelley Berman and Joe Bishop to fame in their theatricals….
It also has a community nearby, and home to a new generation of celebrities: The Adorable Brooks Kidz.
That’s right. You heard it here, folks… WE FOUND A HOME!!!!!!
A little too close to the April 1st deadline for my taste, but the miraculous happened.
Your good thoughts, prayers, and wishes have been felt across the world, right here in the Poconos.
Most important… the Powers that Be heard them too.
Thank you all… and I’ll see you in a few days.
I’m “on hiatus”. But not to worry, it’s the good kind. :0)
According to a notice posted on our door (at this house) the water is being shut off because "Psycho Landlady" hasn’t paid her dues, or the water bill in close to two years. It was set for Saturday… I guess it’ll be today.
Not to worry… I guess we can all go to the new house and bathe in the NEW JACUZZI !!! (hee hee)
… separately, of course. :0)
Yippeee! I’m sooo happy for you and the future celebrities!
Don’t you just hate those close calls? Congrats though and I hope this will be a place where you all can stay for a long time.
I’m so relieved you found somewhere. That was a bit of a close call! It sounds like you found a nice place (what with the jacuzzi and all!), I hope you’ll all have many happy years there.
*ahem* first off– many, many congratulations m’sweet! this is stellar news! does this mean you’ll be having a housewarming party? if so… where can I send the card and tray of cookies? or should I just stick them in the freezer ’till you all come out on vacation? GRIN!!! I’m so happy for you!
Special thanks to St. Jude and the power of prayer to Jabez.
ANd to God!
immediately open an amazon wish list account so that all of your cyber friends can hold an on–line house–warming for you all.
otherwise, you may be faced with all of us showing up in your driveway.
then you’ll have to feed us.
Congratulations Eric! I knew you would find a new home! Great news!
Juhu! *smooch*
very good… this is too cool!
Congratulations!!! I’m really happy for you and your family Eric. All these prayers and karma heading your way helped! Yippee!!!!! *hugs*
good news. great!
congrats eric!
I’m very happy for you Eric…very happy.
New house with celebs AND a Jacuzzi? Boy, just when we were getting all weepy for ya, now we’re jealous …. Congrats to you all! (And when will you be having us over?) ;–P
Hallelujah (in a secular way)! Wonderful news, Eric! Maybe Ali and I should send Li Hing Mui! (look it up…broke da’ mouf’ kine stuff…hee, hee).
congratulations, eric. I’m glad to hear things are going your way.
right *on* –– congratulations to you and the family. very glad to hear such good news on a monday.
A giant congratulations is in order. YAY!
that is so very cool, (((Eric))). just in the nick of time, eh?
i am ever so relieved. wayne newton has always been cool in my book, now he’s even cooler!
glad to hear about the new house! i hope everything continues on the upward trend for you :–)
Congrats, Eric… no one deserves it more than you do.
Much relief.
Much happiness.
Now go, relax, and havesome family time. You all deserve it.
congrats! glad to hear things are finally working out for the better!
Congratulations. I am glad everyone’s prayers/good wishes/etc. have all come to fruition for you and your family.
hey, since you like Wayne Newton so much, if you decide to goto BlogCon, I can show you where he lives now. you might have to scale a large fence to see his actual house tho….
Well, thanks Mikey… but I decided sometime in January that I wasn’t going to BlogCon. I just didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, as it was gaining such momentum in the blog world.
I guess all the "good vibrations" worked for ya, huh?
I LOVEEEEEEEEE hearing good news..
Forget "good" news..
This is GREAT News!!!