
Turned down for the i2k button again.


I’m in Who’s Who In American Business, my press releases get published in New York and in the Poconos, I have articles on Internet Day

And Joe Jennet doesn’t think my site’s good enough for his i2k Network.

Well you know me…don’t support me, I don’t support you.
I’ve removed his coolstop link from my personal site (no one comes in through it anyway).

No One tells me I’m not good enough.

I’ve got to get away from Jeffrey Zeldman’s little clique. Such a great guy, surrounded by a pack of pompous assholes. I’ve just been burned by one of his people for the third and final time…


If you’re reading this before the Monday night launch of this site, billed as "The Web’s First Spinoff Site", you must either be a skilled hacker, or your bright enough to figure out that I’m keeping the same file names as the Erox Graphix site.

I just did an all-nighter reconfiguring the cgi scripts and uploading. Now, I have to work out the bugs & kinks.

Not only the first anniversary of www.eroxgraphix.com, but it’s also my 34th birthday, so be nice to me!

Going on Hiatus!

I’m putting the finishing touches on an all-new section for Your Home Store. And then “The Baby” (this here computer that I completely rely so much on) is going into the shop for some much needed “W&W” (“West and Wewaxation” bwahhahahahaha! –Elmer Fudd you dummies!) before it’s warranty expires. This thing looks like it’s gone through a grenade attack!

Award of Excellence Too bad..I kinda like this one.
Some, well-meaning individual out in CyberTown seems to be filling out award submissions in my name. I’ve been notified that I have won at least 3 awards in the past 24 hours. Two of them take you directly off my site and into the site of other web designers. That, of course, ticks me off to no end…
This is the Award of Excellence, bestowed to me by my new CyberPal, Ben Ciolczynski. From what I understand, This is not an easy award to win either.

This site is actually worthy of being put in Erox Linx. . Ben’s Site Home & Hearth, is a warm & wonderful website with lots of inspirational quotes from the New Testament and noted writers. You really leave the site with a good feeling, and makes you want to go out there and make a difference! Great job Ben!

However…if I accept one award I have to accept them all.

Whoever you are, I love you…but knock it off, okay?

This site is approximately 2 weeks away from becoming www.ericbrooks.com.

Boy, I gotta get over this!

Turns out that the tap water out here is so low in the wells that everyone’s getting sick, lethargic and, well, basically poisoned ….

Three guesses who drinks a lot of water through the summer? I thought I was just getting old & lazy…

I’ve gotta update my mall. I was just approved by the Disney Store Online

WHOA! Gettin’ dizzy again!

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EricBrooks.Com® is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
