The Winter Edition

Yes… the wolf comes with a “Santa Cap”. I just wanted everyone to see the “new look” as it will stay through the winter. I’ll change that tonight, as well as a few more tweaks.

Say “hi” to “Cerberus” up there… he’ll be filling in as my new mascot as “The CyberPal” is on vacation.

You like? It’s the “Winter Peace” design FROM those sexy Glen Road Girls. Designed by none other than The Queen of Weblogs herself.

Didn’t I *SAY* some people were helping me redesign, whether they knew it or not?
…and, don’t I deserve the *BEST*, LeFou? :0)

More great blog templates at: Glen Road Girls: Blog Designs. Go treat yourself to a new look this Christmas. You were good all year. You earned it. :0)

A new mogul in Anarchtica?

Oh gee… isn’t *THAT* special…
How sweet it is for Carol Brooks

Oooooo laaaa-dee-da
Even references to the Adorable-you-know-who’s in it.

Yeah, well..maybe I’m a little proud. :0)

Oh, scream nepotism all you want, you heartless jackals… I actually had nothing to do with this one.

Ms. Scarponi heard about all the chocolate houses & pops flying off the shelves of stores and restaurants all over the area, and contacted her early in the week about her column. (In fact, tonight was the first time I actually *met* Lisa.)

Okay… well, I put up the EPCN site a day early, ‘cuz I wont be at work tomorrow, and I wanted to make sure it was done right.

I’m proud of you honey… congratulations!

All the world hates an all-knowing smartalec WebGod.

Inspired by Matt, Maria, Deborah, and Matt (again)
(The posts are not really connected to each other… but just a common theme of human nature, and the inner workings of mankind.)

“Every man has his secret sorrows, which the world knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad. “

“If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.”

.. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

I could ramble on and on… but Longfellow says it all.
Remember: Life is a metaphor, much like a simile.

So you wanna be me…

1. You have to be a professional slacker. You must possess the ability to put on an “intense concentration look”, and be able to fool anyone who passes your cubicle thinking that you are not only *working*, but waaay *too busy* to be bothered with their petty crisis.

2. You must be impervious to intense cold. Why? Because you’re on a 15 minute smoke break every twenty minutes. It’s 37° outside, and your leather coat hasn’t zippered up in two years. Sure you can wear the big, dorky parka you have at home. But you look so damn good in the leather coat, y’know?
Continue reading “So you wanna be me…”

A non-retractive-retraction

Before any more emails come in… let me just clarify a few things that got missed in my middle-of-the-night babbling.

1 – I’m not giving up blogging.
Like I said “this was *SUPPOSED* to be my ‘good-bye’ post.”. Just as I told Nico a few weeks back, that my post about opinions was originally meant to be my last one, but I ended up omitting some of the stuff I wrote below.

2 – There are those who believe (sneering suspiciously at two unnamed people in particular.) That I am *incapable* of staying out of blogland (or, for that matter, TROUBLE) for any given period of time anyway… so why embarrass myself with a goodbye, when I’ll be back in a month or two anyway?

They’re probably right too. I taste the blood of fresh prey and I just spring INTO the feast. I smell fear, and I get a woody. And GAWD blogland is just a virtual smorgasbord of hypocrites and jerks to feed on. :0)
Continue reading “A non-retractive-retraction”

-e- piphany

“I love a few, like a few more, but hate many. I am not your best friend just because I relate. I am good at relating, but I am not so good at accepting everything I read. It’s just not me. Is it you, really?”
~ Angel ~

“While weblogs are essentially a good thing, I feel like it put a lot more people, maybe too many people, on common ground. I think this is the first time that’s ever really happened on the ‘Net… I just cannot say I don’t miss the old days, when things were simpler because the scope was smaller, because I do miss them very much. “
~ Angel (again) ~

I’d love nothing more right now to accuse Angel of flat-out PLAGIARISM for these two posts. They’re word-for-word straight out of my thoughts. Stuff that’s been in my heart for months, maybe years… only, they ARE her words. She managed to articulate this better than I ever could, and got it out first.

You have to understand first, that the Web that Angel and I (and quite a few of you) knew is a different one FROM the one we’re in now. Back then, you had larger-than-life “Web Celebs”: Zeldman, Powazek, Kottke, Miz Kitty, Halcyon, Heather Champ, Lance Arthur, Glenn Davis… you aspired to be like them. You stole bits and pieces of their source code to learn “how they did it”.

And here’s where I piss everyone off.
(Let me say in advance, “Fuck you” if you can’t take my brutal honesty.)
Then weblogs came and fucked it all up.
Then, when you thought it couldn’t get worse… Slashdot and MetaFilter fucked it even more.
Continue reading “-e- piphany”

Some stuff

Here’s a few things I’ve missed though all the fun we had at Chris Power’s expense:

  • The Ripperman’s mom passed away on Dec. 8th. :0(
  • Santa Claus has a weblog… I’m HAVING second thoughts about him entering my house in the middle of the night, how about you?
  • Here’s YOUR chance to be Santa:
    It’s going to be a rough Christmas for Kimberly & her kids. She posted a wish-list on Amazon with some stuff she wasn’t able to get… 

    So if you guys can help (or at least spread the word, there’s still stuff there.). YOU WOULD SO TOTALLY ROCK!
    Kids *have* to have Christmas… simple as that.

  • Yer nuts roasting on an open firrrre. Jack Daniels nipping at yer throat…

    I was just at Michele’s who’s talking about Christmas. Specifically “Why this atheist celebrates Christmas”. Good times, friends and families, crazy Italian traditions… great stuff.

    Only, I have one problem: It’s not Christmas for me….
    I haven’t heard Nat King Cole yet.

    The Tree
    Yeah, we got the tree, decorated, 99% of the shopping done, yadda yadda yadda…

    the lights
    It’s not Christmas until “The Christmas Song” comes on the radio. Not a CD, not elevator muzak, not Natalie Cole, not Alvin & the Chipmunks.

    “The Christmas Song”. Nat King Cole. Radio.

    What triggers your mind to go “Hey! Christmas is here!”?

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    Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of Eric Brooks. They do not necessarily reflect those of his employers, friends, contacts, family, or even his pets (though my cat, Puddy, seems to agree with me on many key issues.). In accordance to my terms of use, you hereby acknowledge my right to psychoanalyze you, practice accupuncture, and mock you incessantly with every visit. As the user, you also acknowledge that the author has been legally declared a "Problem Adult" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not responsible for any of his actions. ALSO, the political views and products advertised on this site may/may not reflect the views of Puddy or myself, so please don't take them as an endorsement. We just need to eat.
