Well… for what it’s worth, it seemed like you and the now, long-gone Webmistress Jo tried to keep Astounding Websites together for the longest time.
Not Davis…you guys.
Anybody that was there knows it.
Sometimes it seemed like you were commissioned to bail out the Titanic with the Styrofoam cups that the “Great Galactic Emperor” handed you.
In my humble opinion, Astounding Websites lost its novelty just a few weeks into it. Quite honestly, I checked in AW mainly for the discussion. The “NAG” section was the best… not that there was anything wrong with the reviews (except maybe an extreme bias against the “commercial”), It’s just that most of them really didn’t float my boat, and I didn’t even bother to even check the reviews after a while.
Don’t him get you down, big guy. And when you get your new project rolling, you can count on the gOdOfMiScHiEf for full support.
– Don’t be a stranger
Y’know… back in prehistoric times (circa 1998) Glen Davis *was* somebody…. almost a force to be reckoned with. These days, he comes off like a has-been, aging child star whose 15 minutes are up. Why can’t I be as eloquent as Jon??? He put it best here, almost a year ago….