My apologies for these pictures being crappy, but the pictures will be deleted by morning. There’s either something wrong with the camera, or I am even more inept than I give myself credit for…
So we got the two punkers, Belle, a Genie, and Zorro…
I was most impressed with the boy’s choice of a costume. He could have been Batman, or Spiderman. But he chose this because he liked the sword. He’s only able to slice lemons in quarters when you toss them at him, but I’m sure with a little practice he’ll get better.
I honestly have no idea where he gets this stuff from…
Aw you guys BOTH went as Zorro?
Or wait – did you steal your kid’s costume?
*tapping foot, suspicious expression*
Hey… his hat fit ME better!
I ended up wearing the hat half the night anyway, as he kept tripping because he couldn’t see.
My “work uniform” is blue leather… you know that.
The kids were so cute !! -e-,I’ll be back next year.Have a good Thanksgiving and Christmas
whoah!!! Where are YOU going, Tammie?
Too cute
I am so glad I got up at 4 a.m so as not to miss the pictures, e. thanks, they sure are getting big aren’t they??
Aw, thanks Lynn!
Yeah… they sure are getting big.
They’ll be throwing eggs at the smaller kids before you know it. :0)
Glad you didn’t miss the pictures, sis.
I missed the pictures!! *pout* Warren hogged the computer all night, and I never got to get on!!
I’ll just bet the pictures were adorable though! Sorry I missed them. Next year I will know to come on late at night and check.
Sorry Maria… you know, those damn court orders. :0(