I just stumbled on this trying to find out what the hell happened to Reverend Mykeru…
Kinja Card for WHUZZUP – It’s… it’s…
Well, I don’t know what it is, but it’s pretty cool! And it ties in to Technorati, Way Back Machine, Alexa and all sorts of goodies.
I’m not exactly “Mr. Popularity”, and my traffic sucks, but I already knew that! Whaddya expect from a guy who barely visits his own site? I’ll get back on top whenever the hell I get around to feeling like it.
As for the Rev?
Who cares, really?
This is what happens when you refer to your ex-friends as “shit to scrape off your shoe” and choose to surround yourself with screaming adoring sycophants telling you *exactly* what you want to hear and scatter at the first sign of trouble.
Whatever. I’m not the one who severed ties here.
Somehow, I think I’ll survive this. *shrug*