I use mascots all over my site. They host different sections here.
Bozilla the Clown makes a cameo here every once in a while and will host my 3D Theatre one of these days. The heavy metal goddess, Randi can be found in my newsletter section. And you see my main dude, CyberPal all over the site.
The one splattered all over my rants-n-raves section, SoApBoX is the one and only Stress-Man… the world’s first neurotic and high-strung Poser Doll.
At work, we needed a REALLY screwed up dude for an illustration in an upcoming special report in Eastern Poconos Community News…
Like Elvis… Stress-Man is now everywhere.
The series hit the newsstands Friday, and the ad is running in the Pocono Record and several of our other publications.
I got a call FROM his agent today.
Yeah, you heard me right. This little Putz went out and got himself an agent over the weekend. Can you BELIEVE the cojones on this guy???? Even *I* don’t have an agent…
He wants more airtime on the site, his own domain name, and a better dental plan, or he’s going to Zeldman.Com.
After all I’ve done for this friggin’ ingrate.
EricBrooks.Com® – Where even my imaginary friends are high-maintenance nutjobs who give me shit.
I feel like Stress Man myself today!!
I sent you my niece’s email by mistake, -e-!!
You are listed next to each other in the address book, and I checked the wrong name. I need to proofread my stuff……..
Sorry if this has caused you any confusion!
“Where even my imaginary friends are high-maintenance nutjobs who give me shit.”
-e- … that has to be one of the funniest lines you have ever written.
*blushes over Jann’s remark*
No problem, D, I do that all the time. :0)