(Yeah, it’s been a while… I just don’t have the time I used to for surfing around….)
Normally, I try to show off some of my friends and their homepages (in compliance with my “I Support My Friends Policy“), this weekend, I thought I’d share some lesser-known dev-sites I like to haunt:
The PHP Resource Index – So you wanna use PHP??? This site has tons of resources, snippets of code, and everything you need to code in PHP. From the makers of the The CGI Resource index.
HTML Goodies – Everything you wanted to know about HTML, CSS, Java, DHTML and beyond, but were afraid to ask. Great tutorials, and totally rocks when your boss wants you to add a last-minute onClick function or something. Not that something like that has ever happened to me or anything. :0)
Extreme Flash – Tutorials, samples, faq… and even Photoshop tutorials and Midi links. You’ll be a master of Flash in no time!
Streaming Media World – What the title says… all you need to make your presentations streaming (like E-TV)… Real Audio, MP3’s, MPEG-4, news and more!
FTLS’s Free Perl CGI Scripts – A whole bunch of great (and FREE) CGI scripts.
(Pssst! Hey, got a site you want showcased as a “Weekend Surf Pick”??? Drop me a line, and save me countless hours searching for it!)