Ok… let’s think of something profound here…
I heard the cutest thing the other day by my…
wait. court orders, can’t write about it. scratch that…
Uhm… today, I was playing with Visual Basic and I discovered you can convert…
Too boring. Who cares.
Making some great money, helping my …
Wait. That’ll piss her off. She doesn’t want to be mentioned on the web just yet.
I started working on the new designs for a…
top secret. can’t talk about it. damn.
I want to write about something that will captivate everyone… Something that will make you laugh, cry, think, talk about it, change your life.
Uhm… yeah.
And I will… you’ll see.
I know what you mean ! I use to go through the same thing.I hate it when I can’t say what I want to.
My stats have gone to hell, too….
Yes I understand I haven’t been visiting too many sites lately… but I’ve become my own worst nightmare, Tammie… I’M BORING NOW!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
What I have seen,everyone is suffering from it.Some more or less,but still suffering..lol..Don’t worry,things will pick up after the holidays are gone.
Mysterious and quiet, perhaps. Boring, never.
I’m just glad to see you posting!!! Been missing the hell out of ya E!!!!! So glad you peeked out of your cave to say hi! ;o)
ahh, good ole blogger’s block. i have it constantly. just constantly. every time i post, i panic, because i feel like i’ve run out of stuff. so … i always find talking about food, or posting catpictures, is a good alternative. presto! instant content replacement. sort of. ok. not really. *sigh*
Content? Is that what I’m supposed to be doing with my “space”? Darn. And you, darling -e-, cant’ really blame you for having a life. Some of that is good every once in a while. *wink* xoxo
Sometimes you have to wait for it rather than force yourself to write just anything. For instance, I watched SNL for the first time in months. The one women that plays vampire-killing Buffy was hosting with Faith Hill as the musical quest.
Gee, I remember SNL getting bad, but now it doesn’t even aproach funny. Unless the whole show was an attempt at irony. And Faith Hill might feel like a women, but she looks like a toothpick and sounds like a sad attempt to blend country and pop.
But hey e, I’ll never give you shit about updating since the lag time from my last update was just over a month. I could probably fill every day with observations about culture and politics, but I would only get myself pegged as the youngest curmudgeon.
I’m having this same problem lately…hang in there guy it’s bound to get better
Or you could always post links to random sites bout kittens and monsters. Hey, works for me…
Well duh. You haven’t stirred up a flame war in weeks. If you want hits you need to blow shit up right?
Send me a private email, I’ll post it on my homepage, then you can trash me and we’ll get into a big slap fight.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but you sometimes remind me of my sister’s dachsund when she’s chewing on a rawhide.
Oh yeah, and if you’re looking for hits, just get yourself listed as one of the “best blogs” on MSNBC.com’s Weblog Central page. It can’t be hard to get on that list – I’m on it, after all. hahahahaha.
Nah… Even though you took Batgrl away from all her adoring male fans, I still need a flame war break, Jon. (you guys *really gotta put in some form of an email, or else my comments calls you a “retard”)…
I think I have something.
Actually I have several things, but it requires a ton of preparation… you know me, everything needs to be a “big production”. I have a blogging remake of Eminem’s “Without Me” just sitting in “draft” status for over a week.
Weblog Central???? Jeez….
The intenet is just a fad folks… it’ll pass, you’ll see.
Sorry batty, but for some reason seeing “monsters” and “kittens” in the same sentence brought to my mind the image of “Toonces the Monster Truck driving Cat of Doom.” Must everything remind me of an SNL skit?
You? Borning? Never! It is going around though. I’ve noticed a big drop in comments both to my posts and by me. I visit as much as I can but just can’t seem to get around to everyone every week.
Oh I never can visit everyone in a week! Never enough time! Meanwhile I like John’s idea of Monster Truck Driving Kittens! Yeah!
*giggles over Jon being a total retard*
Don’t feel bad, Kendra… I havent made my rounds around other people’s weblogs in days. Busy as hell, I’m praying the macro codes I programmed work without a hitch tomorrow…
I also got a ton of 3d/poser stuff you may be interested in. Several web projects, our whole creative team is being featured in a huge layout in the newspaper…
I just hope this “boring phase” I’m going through is just temporary…
John, was SNL *ever* funny? I used to watch it in the 70’s and 80’s…. and it sucked then.