You know you’re back…

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… when you finally get your VERY FIRST cease and desist FROM a major corporation, since re-opening!
(Yes, you may congratulate me now. Somebody knows I’m ALIVE!!!)

There seemed a bit of a problem with a few people and the newsletter, a lot of returns came back. I’m going to resend (manually. don’t panic, Joe!) them to a few people and figure out what’s causing this glitch. Don’t think I forgot about you guys. What the hell a few new people subscribed in the past few days…. I’m feeling tres benevolent today!!!!

In other news…
Death, bloodshed, carnage, looting, violence, fires, disasters, cadavers, papercuts, starvation, State Police, Jennifer Wise is a fox, yadda, yadda, yadda

And how was *YOUR* day at work, honey?

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9 thoughts on “You know you’re back…

  1. Well, at least I got my newsletter!! :o)

    Sorry I have been MIA lately…. I have been so busy I haven’t hide time to do much of anything fun! So I figured it was time for a little WHUZZUP!!!! Evil fun is always the best kind!! Mmmwwaaahhh!! ;o)

  2. Geesh can it get anymore interesting these days?

    Personally I’m riding the slowtrain and trying to catch up on sleep and other issues, though I’m not succeeding very well.

  3. Honey, my day at work sucked and not in the fashion you are so notely awareded for, but hey thanks for asking *wink* BTW I FINALLY acheived the newsletter in my email box, now I feel privelaged *S*

  4. “And how was *YOUR* day at work, honey?”

    Since this question is directed to me I have no idea why all these other people answer it 😉 I haven’t been working today, but thanks for asking baby.

  5. Don’t even talk about work ! I’m fixing have to go there in another few hours.I wish that I could sit around in my lazy bum ass all day ! But”Bill” prevents me of doing so 🙁 *sigh*

  6. *groan – Just woke up FROM a 16-hour nap*\
    The cease and desist was about three fonts that slipped INTO my inventory that belonged to a major corporation. I know the drill, remove them, send an apology… don’t do it again. No major fanfare or protests. They shouldn’t have been there. Simple as that.

    NICO!!!! I was starting to think you didn’t love me any more, bro! Que Pasa?

    Tammie… {{{hugz}}}. That damn “Bill” persona is keeping all of us FROM HAVING a good time. It’s un-american if you ask me!

    Well, Maria, honey… you were MIA for a good reason. Glad your dad is ok.

    Sara, Jamie & Mighty T… *SMOOCH!*

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