It’s Vectors for me…

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Interesting Discovery:
I use photoshop for most of my graphics. Then I open up the .PSD files in Fireworks to make .gifs (they just look better to me.)

  • Since fireworks is vector-based (rather than rasterized), I converted the .psd file I rendered in poser into a .png (Portable network graphics).
  • Then I imported the .png file into flash for the front page of EricBrooks.Com
  • Now it expands & contracts with no loss in quality. I couldn’t do that if I had imported a .jpg. Plus the flash file is only 39kb. Using a .jpg that file size (800x600px) would have put it well over 100k.

    It’s vector graphics from now on for me….
    (Just a little something to keep you busy while I delete a bunch of files here…)

    Eric Brooks

    Musician, Programmer, Graphic Designer, Evil Clown - A thorn in the Internet's side since 1997 with no intention of stopping any time soon.

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    10 thoughts on “It’s Vectors for me…

    1. Well, little fella, there’s obviously not enough room at the ol’ homestead for the both of us…. *g*

      Does this mean Enemy of the State is returning, or are you keeping the Anarchtica name?

    2. It should be fine now Lambchop.
      I just wanted to do my share to get the server space down. I removed the MT in my subfolder and moved into the one you, Faith and ECB is on. I also removed all the graphics from the three different designs I had.

      Truth be told, I will be so busy in the next few months with projects I won’t have time to blog anymore. Faith and I talked about it weeks ago.

      Besides… I hate blogging.

    3. It seems like jp2 is taking forever. I’ll have to check out that trick. After all, I’m finally trying to put forth some real effort in becoming web savy. I’ve lived for too long in fear of cross-browser coding conundrums. I shall overcome!

    4. Whatever happens E, don’t forget to stay in touch. You mean alot to me you big lug! {{{hugs}}}}

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