Sometime last night the 2 millionth visitor passed through this site – WOO HOO!!!!
Hey, and it only took a year and a half. It took almost 3 years to get to the first million. (Of course that’s for the entire site… you really don’t think people read this page, do you?)
EricBrooks.Com® – Gets more hits in a week than YAHOO!™ gets in a half-second.
wtg on hitting the 2million mark!
off topic ?
how did you get it to say you posted this at 10:23am and it’s only 8:07am (ok, well I know you’re an hour ahead of me, but thats still screwy!)
just wonderin!
It was probably me. Do I get a prize? No? Oh, then it might have been someone else. Congratulations!
The clocks on the servers are wrong… I keep trying to change the time on movable type to compensate, but it drives me nuts.
Wow, Eric. You are a popular Dude! By my calculations, it will take over 20 years for me to reach the 2 million mark!
Congratulations! You should take yourself out to dinner or something. Monumental achievement! *proud grin, while slapping e profusely on back*
And that someone could have been me
I did come by your site last night 
wow that is a lot…I will need about 10 years to catch up, but it’s not a contest right?
Well, ya gets more than I do, dat’s fer sure. ‘Course, the fact that I’m in drydock now doesn’t help things much…
Congrats on the 2-megger!
congrats! =)
Thanks guys…
And welcome Lord Spatula, always a pleasure when royals come to visit.
Again, I can assure you those hits DIDN’T come FROM this weblog. :0)
Shit!! 2 mill. I am still struggling to reach 20 thou and my site is over a year old….go figure. (blushing).