[#Script #Coding] JavaScript Tutorial – Create a Card Game

JavaScript Tutorial – Create a Card Game

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Dec 14, 2022

freeCodeCamp.org Improve your JavaScript skills by creating a basic card game with HTML and CSS.

    This tutorial not only covers creating a basic card game using JavaScript
    but also:

  • How to create dynamic user interactive code using vanilla JavaScript
  • Creating some animation effects
  • Responsive layout design using CSS grid, CSS FlexBox and media queries
  • How to dynamically change the positions of grid cells, so as to randomize the positions of the cards contained in a css grid using JavaScript,
  • localStorage functionality
  • And much More…

Code: https://github.com/GavinLonDigital/HuntTheAceJSGame

Gavin Lon created this tutorial. Check out his channel: @GavinLon


  • (0:00:00) Introduction
  • (0:05:26) Getting Started
  • (0:07:00) Live Server Extension
  • (0:09:50) Create Cards – HTML
  • (0:14:44) Create the Game Play Grid
  • (0:19:55) Create Cards Dynamically – JS Code
  • (0:28:46) Initialise Card Positions
  • (0:34:39) Load Game and Start Game
  • (0:38:43) Stack Cards
  • (0:41:53) Flip Cards
  • (0:45:14) Shuffle Cards
  • (0:49:28) Deal Cards
  • (0:54:37) Choose Card
  • (1:16:56) Styling and Layout
  • (1:24:28) Animation
  • (1:32:39) Responsive Layout
  • (1:36:43) Local Storage

Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org

Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news

And subscribe for new videos on technology every day: https://youtube.com/subscription_cent…

[#Script #Coding] AlphaZero from Scratch – Machine Learning Tutorial

AlphaZero from Scratch – Machine Learning Tutorial

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Feb 28, 2023

freeCodeCamp.org In this machine learning course, you will learn how to build AlphaZero from scratch. AlphaZero is a game-playing algorithm that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to learn how to play board games at a superhuman level.

Trained Models + Code for each Chapter: https://github.com/foersterrobert/AlphaZeroFromScratch
AlphaZero-Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.01815.pdf

Robert Förster created this course.
Website: https://robertfoerster.com/


  • (0:00:00) Introduction
  • (0:01:35) Overview – Part 1
  • (0:05:43) MCTS-Explained
  • (0:27:03) AlphaMCTS-Explained
  • (0:39:05) Overview – Part 2
  • (0:45:14) Chapter 1: TicTacToe
  • (1:00:32) Chapter 2: MCTS
  • (1:34:54) Chapter 3: Model
  • (2:03:09) Chapter 4: AlphaMCTS
  • (2:16:39) Chapter 5: AlphaSelfPlay
  • (2:35:13) Chapter 6: AlphaTrain
  • (2:47:15) Chapter 7: AlphaTweaks
  • (3:08:18) Chapter 8: ConnectFour
  • (3:21:48) Chapter 9: AlphaParallel
  • (3:55:59) Chapter 10: Eval

Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org

Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news

[#Script #Coding] Python Game Development Project Using OOP – Minesweeper Tutorial (w/ Tkinter)

Python Game Development Project Using OOP – Minesweeper Tutorial (w/ Tkinter)

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Apr 18, 2022

freeCodeCamp.org In this course, you will improve your Python skills by coding a Minesweeper game using the tkinter library. The game is fully implemented using Object Oriented Programming.

Course from JimShapedCoding. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/…

Code: https://github.com/jimdevops19/MinesweeperGame

    Course Contents:

  • (0:00:00) Getting Started
  • (0:26:22) Creating Cells & Mines
  • (0:49:40) Minesweeper Algorithms
  • (1:36:29) Display Game data
  • (2:00:28) Finishing touches and playing the game

Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org

Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news

And subscribe for new videos on technology every day: https://youtube.com/subscription_cent…


[#Script #Coding] Code a 2D Game Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS (w/ Free Game Assets) – Tutorial

Code a 2D Game Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS (w/ Free Game Assets) – Tutorial

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Sep 28, 2022

freeCodeCamp.org Let’s explore an alien planet and learn all the techniques you need to make your own 2D games with vanilla JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 and HTML Canvas. From sprite animation to parallax backgrounds, today we will build a game completely from scratch, with no frameworks and no libraries, using just HTML, CSS and plain vanilla JavaScript. Have fun!

Course by Frank’s Laboratory. https://www.youtube.com/c/Frankslabor…

EXTENDED class with BONUS lessons and more free sprite sheets: 4 new enemies, sound design, animated shield, animated projectiles and more https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-ga…


  • (0:00:00) Intro
  • (0:01:07) HTML & CSS setup
  • (0:02:40) Basic JavaScript setup
  • (0:04:59) Object Oriented programming with JavaScript
  • (0:07:25) Creating Player and Game objects
  • (0:13:18) Animation loop
  • 0:16:36) Keyboard inputs
  • (0:26:15) Creating projectiles
  • (0:33:22) Periodic events
  • (0:38:30) Drawing game UI
  • (0:41:20) Base enemy class
  • (0:49:19) Collision detection between rectangles
  • (0:54:36) Drawing game score
  • (0:57:49) Win and lose condition
  • (0:59:52) Counting game time
  • (1:03:07) Animated parallax backgrounds
  • (1:13:20) Sprite animation with JavaScript
  • (1:17:02) Creating a debug mode
  • (1:18:38) Animating enemy sprite sheets
  • (1:25:15) Night Angler enemy class
  • (1:27:39) Lucky Fish enemy class
  • (1:29:02) Collecting power ups
  • (1:36:51) Drawing projectiles as images
  • (1:38:01) Custom fonts and game text
  • (1:40:43) Cleaning up
  • (1:42:51) Particle effects and physics
  • (1:55:03) Particle rotation
  • (1:58:47) Tweaks and fixes
  • (2:01:46) Hive Whale enemy class
  • (2:04:46) Drone enemy class
  • (2:09:30) Dust effect animation
  • (2:24:36) Fire effect animation
  • (2:26:03) Tuning game difficulty
  • (2:29:26) What to do next?

[#Script #Coding] Kivy Course – Create Python Games and Mobile Apps

Kivy Course – Create Python Games and Mobile Apps

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: May 12, 2021

freeCodeCamp.org In this Kivy tutorial, you will learn to create games and applications with Python for every platform (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android).

First, you will learn how to use the Kivy library. You will create graphical user interfaces with buttons, labels, and images. You will learn how to implement many kinds of layouts to create interfaces that can adapt to every screen size from desktop to mobile.

Then you will create a full game with Kivy and Python. The GALAXY project is a perspective game where you need to keep your spaceship on the track.

Course developed by Jonathan Roux. Check out his channel:

Source code and resources files: https://codewithjonathan.net/resource…
Try GALAXY on your mobile: http://onelink.to/6w47wy

    Course Contents

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
  • 0:02:03 The GUI libraries with Python (tkinter, QT, pygame…)
  • 0:02:44 The course curriculum
  • 0:03:37 Prerequisites

  • 0:04:09 Project creation and installation of Kivy
  • 0:13:03 Download the resources files
    The Lab project | 1 – Layouts

  • 0:13:31 Introduction
  • 0:16:55 Button and Label
  • 0:23:51 BoxLayout
  • 0:30:49 Size_hint and Pos_hint
  • 0:37:18 What can we do with Kivy ?
  • 0:39:23 Embed a layout
  • 0:41:10 AnchorLayout
  • 0:45:36 GridLayout
  • 0:50:15 StackLayout
  • 0:59:30 ScrollView
  • 1:02:28 PageLayout
  • 1:05:05 Conclusion
  • 1:07:10 Layouts : a practical example
    The Lab project | 2 – Widgets

  • 1:08:58 Introduction
  • 1:10:39 Button click
  • 1:15:42 Exercise : Create a counter
  • 1:18:06 Custom font
  • 1:20:09 Toggle Button
  • 1:24:00 Exercise : Enable/disable the counter
  • 1:25:41 Disabled button
  • 1:27:52 Switch
  • 1:29:55 Slider
  • 1:32:13 Exercise : Display the value of the slider
  • 1:35:38 Exercise : Enable the slider
  • 1:37:34 Progress bar
  • 1:39:05 TextInput
  • 1:43:31 Images
  • 1:46:56 Create an application with multiple screens ?
    The Lab project | 3 – Canvas

  • 1:47:39 Introduction
  • 1:51:34 Rectangle and ellipse
  • 1:56:32 Line
  • 1:58:28 Exercise : Cross
  • 2:00:32 Lines (Circle, ellipse, rectangle) and colors
  • 2:04:15 Canvas from the code
  • 2:07:30 Move the rectangle
  • 2:10:41 Exercise : borders of the screen
  • 2:13:25 Ball and animation
  • 2:19:19 Exercise : Make the ball rebound
  • 2:23:05 Coordinates and RelativeLayout
  • 2:28:56 Exercise : Flag
    The Galaxy project | V1

  • 2:30:32 Introduction
  • 2:37:40 Project creation
  • 2:39:09 Perspective point
  • 2:44:35 Vertical lines
  • 2:55:11 Principle : Perspective transformation
  • 3:01:21 Perspective transformation
  • 3:11:34 Exercise : Re-center
  • 3:14:37 Horizontal lines
  • 3:21:52 Horizontal lines perspective
  • 3:28:33 Forward movement
  • 3:36:08 Delta time
  • 3:40:34 Exercise : Lateral movement
  • 3:44:01 Exercise : Key press
  • 3:47:58 Keyboard
    The Galaxy project | V2

  • 3:53:58 Introduction
  • 3:55:02 Structure our code
  • 3:57:41 Tiles and lines coordinates
  • 4:05:24 Exercise : Line Y from index
  • 4:07:26 Display a tile
  • 4:13:30 Move the tile
  • 4:16:22 Display several tiles
  • 4:20:36 Tiles : infinite generation
  • 4:28:10 Random land generation
  • 4:34:16 Exercise : Do not exit the land
  • 4:36:42 Exercise : Start with a straight line
  • 4:38:49 Exercise : Display the ship
  • 4:44:52 Exercise : Fix the game speed
  • 4:49:13 Collisions
    The Galaxy project | V3

  • 4:58:34 Introduction
  • 4:59:34 « Game over » state
  • 5:04:07 Create the menu
  • 5:08:32 Start of the game
  • 5:16:25 Restart the game
  • 5:19:45 Finalise the menu
  • 5:24:38 Exercise : Add the background image
  • 5:26:15 Exercise : Score
  • 5:31:11 Exercise : Add the sounds
  • 5:40:22 Conclusion

[#Script #Coding] Unreal Engine 5 – Full Course for Beginners

Unreal Engine 5 – Full Course for Beginners

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Jan 11, 2023

freeCodeCamp.org Learn how to create games with Unreal Engine 5 in this full course for beginners. This course will give you a solid foundation and will enable you to be able to develop any sort of game in Unreal Engine 5.

Course created by Gamium Dev. Check out their channel: https://www.youtube.com/@gamiumdev

    Course Contents:

  • (0:00:00) Introduction
  • (0:01:31) System Requirements
  • (0:03:34) Installing The Engine
  • (0:06:12) Creating A Project
  • (0:09:54) Unreal Editor Basics
  • (0:23:27) Creating Levels
  • (0:29:50) Landscapes
  • (0:35:42) Blueprints
  • (0:42:57) Blueprint: Variables
  • (0:49:42) Blueprint: Structures
  • (0:54:37) Blueprint: Enumerations
  • (0:59:36) Blueprint: Functions
  • (1:05:58) Blueprint: Macros
  • (1:09:25) Blueprint: Collapsed Graphs
  • (1:12:56) Blueprint: Branching
  • (1:14:51) Blueprint: Switch
  • (1:17:43) Blueprint: While Loop
  • (1:21:23) Blueprint: For Loop
  • (1:25:10) Blueprint: Array
  • (1:28:24) Blueprint: Flip-Flop
  • (1:30:21) Blueprint: Do-Once
  • (1:32:25) Object Oriented Programming
  • (1:39:29) Blueprint: Classes
  • (1:49:49) Blueprint: Actors
  • (2:02:41) Blueprint: Casting
  • (2:05:01) Basic Inheritance Hierarchy
  • (2:08:32) Blueprint: Character
  • (2:31:52) Blueprint: Timer (Example)
  • (2:37:05) Action Mappings
  • (2:43:26) Expose On Spawn
  • (2:46:38) Interaction System
  • (2:53:09) Blueprint: Linetrace (Raycast)
  • (3:03:17) Blueprint: UI
  • (3:32:12) Blueprint Function Library
  • (3:35:17) Plugins (Basics)
  • (3:40:39) Modelling Tools
  • (3:46:45) Static Mesh
  • (3:48:13) Nanite
  • (3:50:02) Materials
  • (4:05:31) Skeletal Mesh and Anim BP
  • (4:22:32) C++ Prerequisites
  • (4:39:37) C++: Basics
  • (4:45:04) Advanced Inheritance Hierarchy
  • (4:55:28) C++: Variables
  • (4:58:11) C++: Functions
  • (5:09:11) C++: USTRUCT
  • (5:17:52) C++: Using Unreal’s Functions
  • (5:22:10) C++: Enumerations
  • (5:24:53) Converting Blueprint To C++
  • (5:40:52) Blueprint Interface
  • (5:46:38) C++ Interface
  • (5:54:40) BlueprintImplementableEvent
  • (5:57:02) BlueprintNativeEvent
  • (6:01:40) C++: Array
  • (6:11:30) C++: Map
  • (6:17:31) Actor (Advanced)
  • (6:39:54) Character(Advanced)
  • (6:50:43) Player Controller(Advanced)
  • (6:52:46) Game Mode (Advanced)
  • (6:56:47) Game State (Advanced)
  • (7:06:17) Game Instance
  • (7:15:20) Creating Plugins
  • (7:33:53) Third Party Libraries(Static)
  • (7:51:42) Third Party Libraries(DLL)
  • (8:05:29) Networking
  • (8:07:06) Create/Join Sessions
  • (8:15:24) Network Replication
  • (8:22:48) Blueprint: Variable Replication
  • (8:27:53) Blueprint: RPCs
  • (8:43:46) Networking In C++
  • (9:01:22) Unreal Engine Source
  • (9:04:54) Switching Engine Versions
  • (9:12:11) Packaging
  • ((9:17:13) BONUS

Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org

Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news

And subscribe for new videos on technology every day: https://youtube.com/subscription_cent…

[#Script #Coding] Game Development with LÖVE 2D and Lua – Full Course

Game Development with LÖVE 2D and Lua – Full Course

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Aug 25, 2022

freeCodeCamp.org Learn how to create games using LÖVE 2D and Lua. LÖVE is a framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It’s free, open-source, and works on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS. In this course, you will first learn how to program in Lua. Then you will learn how to use Love2D with Lua to develop amazing games.

Course created by Steve. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Stevesteacherzz

    Resources and Code

  • Lua: https://lua.org
  • Love2D: https://love2d.org
  • LuaRocks: https://luarocks.org
  • Running Boy Sprites: https://github.com/WeebNetsu/YouTube-…
  • Save the Ball Source Code: https://github.com/WeebNetsu/YouTube-…
  • Asteroids Game Source Code: https://github.com/WeebNetsu/YouTube-…
  • Sound Effects & BGM: https://github.com/WeebNetsu/YouTube-…
  • Creator’s GitHub: https://github.com/WeebNetsu/
    Course Contents
    — LUA BASICS —

  • (0:00:00) Intro to Lua
  • (0:02:28) Installing Lua
  • (0:09:51) Running Lua (VSCode)
  • (0:11:03) Printing and Comments
  • (0:19:42) Variables & Data Types
  • (0:29:51) Strings
  • (0:36:59) Math
  • (0:46:22) If Statements
  • (0:58:49) Loops
  • (1:03:37) User Input
  • (1:05:34) Tables
  • (1:23:27) Functions
  • (1:31:44) Working with Files
  • (1:39:12) Custom Modules
  • (1:43:10) OOP
    — LOVE 2D BASICS —

  • (1:56:42) Setup and LUD basics
  • (2:06:35) The Config File
  • (2:25:13) Drawing & Moving Shapes
  • (2:45:57) Keyboard Input
  • (2:55:36) Working with Sprites

  • (3:21:44) Game Setup
  • (3:38:03) Creating the Enemy
  • (4:09:02) The Menu Screen
  • (4:51:11) Adding a Point System
  • (5:11:44) Game Over Screen

  • (5:31:24) Game Setup
  • (5:40:02) The Player
  • (6:10:32) The Thruster
  • (6:31:59) The Game State
  • (6:38:47) Game Text
  • (7:02:40) Asteroids
  • (7:41:32) Lasers
  • (8:03:46) Laser Collision Detection
  • (8:29:10) Player Collision Detection
  • (8:41:17) Player Lives
  • (8:57:54) The Menu
  • (9:30:51) Installing & Running LuaRocks
  • (9:42:18) The Score System
  • (10:03:12) Game Over
  • (10:11:56) Invincible PLayer & Infinite Levels
  • (10:31:07) Game Reset & High Score
  • (10:44:38) BGM & SFX

[#Script #Coding] 2D Game Development with GDevelop – Crash Course

2D Game Development with GDevelop – Crash Course

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Jan 27, 2022

freeCodeCamp.org Learn how to create games with GDevelop, a 2D cross-platform, free and open-source game engine. You can create games with minimal coding and run them on most major platforms.

Course created by Wesley and Max.

Learn more about Gdevelop: https://gdevelop.io/
More GDevelop video tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/c/GDevelopApp/featured

    Course Contents

  • (0:00:00) Intro
  • (0:00:22) General Layout
  • (0:06:34) Object Types
  • (0:10:51) Event System
  • (0:16:03) Jumpstarting
  • (0:20:55) Variables
  • (0:25:33) Expression Builder
  • (0:30:01) Extensions
  • (0:33:18) Re-creating Asteroids
  • (0:43:18) Exporting A Game
  • (0:46:36) Outro

[#Webdesign #Coding] Code a Game Using React + Data Fetching with useEffect

Code a Game Using React + Data Fetching with useEffect

By LearnWebCode
Published: Jul 19, 2022

LearnWebCode Let’s build a dog guessing game that fetches data from an API. My premium courses and coupons: https://learnwebcode.com/courses/

GitHub starter link: https://github.com/LearnWebCode/vite-…
GitHub Finished Product Reference: https://github.com/LearnWebCode/react…


  • 0:00 Intro
  • 1:42 Starter Setup
  • 3:05 Fetching Dog API Data
  • 7:36 useEffect Data Fetching / Strict Mode
  • 16:22 Getting Data Ready for Questions
  • 24:36 State with Immer Reducer
  • 36:52 Creating Questions
  • 41:46 The JSX Game Interface
  • 48:32 Game Logic
  • 53:48 Time Clock & Hearts UI
  • 1:02:38 Game Over Screen
  • 1:11:07 Actually Counting Down Time
  • 1:17:01 Preload Images
  • 1:19:58 High Score Local Storage

[#Script #Coding] Command Line Hacking – Over The Wire Bandit Walkthrough (CTF Wargame)

Command Line Hacking – Over The Wire Bandit Walkthrough (CTF Wargame)

By freeCodeCamp.org
Published: Nov 09, 2022

freeCodeCamp.org Improve your cybersecurity and Linux skills by solving challenges in the Bandit Wargame from OverTheWire. This video is a walk through of how to solve the challenges—but make sure to try each on your own before watching the solution!

Start the game here: https://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/

Tutorial from Sabyasachi Paul. Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6D…
Sabyasachi’s Linktree: https://linktr.ee/h0tPlug1n


  • (0:00:00) Introduction
  • (0:02:11) Level 0
  • (0:04:06) Level 0 – Level 1
  • (0:05:11) Level 1 – Level 2
  • (0:06:18) Level 2 – Level 3
  • (0:07:56) Level 3 – Level 4
  • (0:09:11) Level 4 – Level 5
  • (0:11:57) Level 5 – Level 6
  • (0:14:51) Level 6 – Level 7
  • (0:17:06) Level 7 – Level 8
  • (0:18:37) Level 8 – Level 9
  • (0:21:08) Level 9 – Level 10
  • (0:22:45) Level 10 – Level 11
  • (0:24:10) Level 11 – Level 12
  • (0:27:11) Level 12 – Level 13
  • (0:35:22) Level 13 – Level 14
  • (0:37:01) Level 14 – Level 15
  • (0:38:45) Level 15 – Level 16
  • (0:41:35) Level 16 – Level 17
  • (0:50:46) Level 17 – Level 18
  • (0:53:07) Level 18 – Level 19
  • (0:55:28) Level 19 – Level 20
  • (0:58:23) Level 20 – Level 21
  • (1:02:33) Level 21 – Level 22
  • (1:07:47) Level 22 – Level 23
  • (1:11:54) Level 23 – Level 24
  • (1:26:39) Level 24 – Level 25
  • (1:32:53) Level 25 – Level 26
  • (1:43:25) Level 26 – Level 27
  • (1:47:18) Level 27 – Level 28
  • (1:52:10) Level 28 – Level 29
  • (1:56:36) Level 29 – Level 30
  • (2:00:17) Level 30 – Level 31
  • (2:05:31) Level 31 – Level 32
  • (2:10:34) Level 32 – Level 33
  • (2:14:45) Level 33 – Level 34

Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org

Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news

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