[#Trends #Success] 15 Job Skills Of Tomorrow

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15 Job Skills Of Tomorrow

By Alux.com
Published: Aug 31, 2022

Alux.com 15 Job Skills Of Tomorrow

15 Things Most People Take A Lifetime To LEARN: https://youtu.be/Ha1M4IhluEk

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    In this Alux.com video we will be answering the following questions:

  • What are the best 15 Job Skills Of Tomorrow?
  • What are the top Future Skills You’ll Need In Your Career?
  • What are the top 15 job skills for the future
  • What are the main Job Skills Of Tomorrow to have?
  • Which jobs will survive in the future?
  • What will be the best paying jobs in the future?
  • What are The 15 most in demand skills for the future?
  • What are the best careers for the future?
  • Which jobs will not be affected by Artificial Intelligence?
  • Which jobs are safe from automation?
  • Which will be the best paying jobs in the future?
  • How to prepare for A.I.?
  • What kind of jobs will people do in the future?
  • Which are the fastest growing industries?
  • Which industries will blow up in the future?
  • What should you study if you want a job when you graduate?


  • 00:00 – Intro
  • 00:42 – Digital literacy
  • 01:29 – Leadership skill
  • 02:16 – Active Learning / Curiosity
  • 03:09 – Communication & Coordination
  • 03:53 – Technology design skills
  • 04:38 – Technology monitoring
  • 05:07 – Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • 05:47 – Creativity, Ideation, and Innovation
  • 06:22 – Critical Thinking and reasoning
  • 07:05 – Complex Problem-Solving
  • 07:51 – Analytical Thinking
  • 08:34 – Cognitive flexibility
  • 09:19 – Judgment and decision-making
  • 09:48 – Interpersonal skills
  • 10:21 – Self-management

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